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Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)3D Galax by flag Ben DaglishDeceased
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Time Left: 5:00

Rating: 4.17 (6 Votes)

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Song Information

Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Ocean Loader 3 (21st Century SID Remix)

Author: flag Peter Clarke

Uploaded By: flag Ravix

Extra Resources: Icon

Song Length: 3:25
Release Year: 2011
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 256 kbps
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform: PlatformMiscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)

Additional Information:

"Ok!! Here's me revisiting one of my favourite pieces of SID music from back in the day.

The more observant amongst you will have spotted 2 OL3 remixes released by me on the same day. I've been playing with the tune a lot lately and I felt the need in this version to stick to some of the 'OLD' rules & restrictions that were there when I originally wrote it on the C64 back in '86.

Although, I did break a few too...

Rules Broken: 1). There are more than 3 voices, (obviously). 2). Just a couple of licks & stings are polyphonic. The rest is written using monophonic voices. I wanted to recapture some of the original with single voices bouncing all over the place. So. the main lead-voice is SID (all 3 voices at once with a little post fx). Same goes for some of the other voices and there's even some trilling in there.

Hope you like it...." - Peter Clarke

Last Queued : 2 days, 21 hours ago

This song has been played 145 times. [See Request History]
It was added 13 years, 1 month ago.

Song Rating

Song Rating: 4.6 - Votes Placed: 15 View Voting History
A total of 6 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information

This song is a remix of: Computer » Commodore 64/128Ocean Loader 3 Have video by flag Peter Clarke l Locked


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User Song Comment
flag FishGuy876
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

Upon hearing this for the first time I was expecting it to be bad, but the original author has done a very good job on re-working it with modern instruments. definitely a 5 & Fave!