Brainstorm (Founded On:
1 Jan. 1989
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Last Updated:
2 Oct. 2012
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Brainstorm was founded in 1989 which also became the year where the first issue of our immensely popular diskmag "Zine" came out, which grew to proportions we would absolutely have never imagined. You would not believe how many letters fit into a P.O.Box per day. It was absolutely insane - yet incredible fun at the same time. It was an interesting phenomenon to witness how the popularity of "Zine" catapulted Brainstorm's members into the league labelled "famous". At demoparties, no one would mess with anyone from the group simply because everyone had so much respect of the magazine. It has to be admitted that this is a nice feeling, to see that hard work got its recognition.
Active Group Members:
Axel (Alexander Strohm)
Bendik (Bendik Hovik Kjeldsberg)
Bit Arts (Norbert Röcher)
BSC (Oliver Mayer)
Buzzer (Mikko Hyyti)
C-jeff (Dmitry Zhemkov)
deathy (Clifford A. Anderson)
DJ Joge (Jouko Karhula)
Droid (Henrik Haahr Saleh Svendsen)
Facet (Martijn van Meel)
FishGuy876 (Andy Kellett)
Fleshbrain (Seppo Hurme)
Glxblt (Ville Rastas)
Grubi (Thomas Gruberski)
JazzCat (Piotr Pacyna)
Julius (Martin Schiøler)
Keith303 (Klaus Spang)
Kevod (Federico Cito)
Malmen (Kristoffer Malmgren)
Mystra (Kjell Pedersen)
Prime / PRM (Carl Engström)
raina (Lasse Mattila)
Romeo Knight (Eike Steffen)
Ruth Linde
Scott (Trond Berg)
serpent (Touko Väre)
Sinatra (Øyvind Lindahl)
Skaven (Peter Hajba)
some1 (Mikael Fyrek)
Virt (Jake Kaufman)
Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)
Ziphoid (John Carehag)
Active Group Songs:
Waiting for spirou by
Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)
War Over Yet by
Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)
Watch All Those Stars by
Buzzer (Mikko Hyyti)
Watching the Watches by
JazzCat (Piotr Pacyna)
Way2Happy by
deathy (Clifford A. Anderson)
We Are Obsolete Computers (Live @ Eindbaas 9) (2012) by
Weather Sucks by
Buzzer (Mikko Hyyti)
What Polly Wants by
deathy (Clifford A. Anderson)
Wheels (Bonus Track) by
Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)
Whiteboy (Evoke Cut) by
Keith303 (Klaus Spang)
WhiteSong II by
Grubi (Thomas Gruberski)
Windpipe by
Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)
Word Number Two by
Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)
X-Flies by
Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)
Zine 7 - Intro Tune by
Axel (Alexander Strohm)
Zine Issue #12 - Headlines
Virgill (Jochen Feldkoetter)
ZINE Radio Show #07 by
Axel (Alexander Strohm)
Zinedine Cheezane by
Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)