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Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Ambrozia Have video by flag Noiseless (Jogeir Liljedahl) , flag Scorpik (Adam Skorupa)
Requested By: flag xrm1911

Time Left: 12:03

Ambrozia Screenshot
Rating: 4.79 (43 Votes)

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General Discussion » multiple files uploader

Pages: 1
Author Thread
Anta baka?!

27 Posts
#1380 (11 years, 1 month ago)
I'd like to check it out. can somebody post a link where to get it PLEASE - i mean uploader for CVGM.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1381 (11 years, 1 month ago)
flagrams had made one a while ago, though im not sure how well it works, and im not sure if any of the guys on Nectarine have made anything since. There should be a couple more threads on this somewhere too.

forum Demovibes MassUploader

Personally when uploading a group of related soundtracks, in chrome anyways, after the first one has uploaded, you can click the Back button and add/change the necessary fields for the next song and hit upload again (as the rest of the fields will still have their information in it).
Anxious to return to Cydonia

13 Posts
#1382 (11 years, 1 month ago)
Hmm, nice trick with the back button.
Anta baka?!

27 Posts
#1383 (11 years, 1 month ago)
I only found the sourcecode distro of this uploader unfortunately. anybody got it (the exe for windows)and willing to share it somewhere? eg. depositfiles or some upload host?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

18 Posts
#1384 (11 years, 1 month ago)
Temporary download (completely untested):
(link removed)
Anta baka?!

27 Posts
#1385 (11 years, 1 month ago)
thanks . gonna try it out when i wake up again
Anta baka?!

27 Posts
#1386 (11 years, 1 month ago)
Exception: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)

my OS = Windows 7 64bit
when i start the program i get a nice screen, but the console already shows above error.
when i goto setting and enter my user/pass and server click OK it just crashes after like 10 seconds.

any ideas ?
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#1387 (11 years, 1 month ago)
I stopped using the massuploader since it crashed so often... it is probably best to wait for Rams to update it.
Anxious to return to Cydonia

13 Posts
#1434 (10 years, 10 months ago)
I polished my multi-file uploader a bit so you can also use it.

You can find it here:

You need python 2.7.x and httplib2. The INSTALL.txt tells you how to easily install htpplib2 in under 10 seconds.

Call the program like: python

It will then ask you where the music is, the song info, artist information, you login information, etc.

Should be working now after a few tests.

Future improvements:
- Text input for more automated uploading.
- Label, group, source and platform list embedded in the program. No more need to mess with upload page html to find the ids.

Tested on Windows, but AFAIK nothing in the code is Windows-specific.
Pages: 1

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