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Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Space Debris by flag Captain (Markus Kaarlonen)
Requested By: flag epso

Time Left: 4:57

Rating: 4.90 (42 Votes)

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Song Information

Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Sooner Or Later (Original Version)

Author: flag Little Bitchard (Arto Koivisto) GroupKewlers Groupmfx

Uploaded By: flag FishGuy876

Extra Resources:

Song Length: 4:22
Release Year: 2010
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 192 kbps
Song Source: Song
Song Platform: PlatformMiscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)

Additional Information:

Another Version Was Released at Breakpoint 2010, Streaming Music Compo, Where it ranked 4th.

This song uses vocals from Trifonic's 'Sooner or Later', sung by Christina Courtin
and vocal samples from State Shirt's 'Chemma Chi'. Please visit the following pages
for details and sample downloads: (Sooner or Later) (Chemma Chi)

Song and vocals licenced under Creative Commons licence Attribution Non-Commercial.


Sooner or later it’s all
Sooner or later it floats
Sooner or later it breaks
Sooner or later it’s all in the past

How happy we are today
The feeling will only escape
No matter who we blame it on
When the thrill is gone, it’s gone, it’s gone
This could be the best we got
And what we got is on our hands
Are you going to the countdown?

Sooner or later it’s all in the past
Sooner or later it floats above the glass
Sooner or later it breaks inside the cast
Sooner or later

Concrete rubble for concrete dreams
Grains of sand floating in the sea
Passing trains, all the passing trees
Can you heed the whistle please?

Sooner or later it’s all in the past
Sooner or later it floats above the glass
Sooner or later it breaks inside the cast
Sooner or later

Last Queued : 1 hour, 5 minutes ago

This song has been played 166 times. [See Request History]
It was added 14 years, 11 months ago.

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Song Rating: 4.3 - Votes Placed: 14 View Voting History
A total of 6 users have this song on their favourites list.

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