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Computer » Atari ST (Sixteen/Thirty-two)B.I.G. Demo - Monty On The Run - Highscore by flag Mad Max (Jochen Hippel)
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation B.I.G. Demo (Best In Galaxy)

Time Left: 2:43

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Rating: 4.14 (7 Votes)

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Performance » Mixed (Multiple Instruments)Final Fantasy 4 - Hymn to the crystals

Author: flag RebeccaETripp (Rebecca E. Tripp)

Uploaded By: flag Hneet

Extra Resources:

Song Length: 4:05
Release Year: 2017
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 218 kbps
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform: PlatformPerformance » Mixed (Multiple Instruments)

Additional Information:

"This was my attempt to encapsulate the spiritual essence of the Final Fantasy series. I was going for a sort of mystical/reverent feeling. There are many versions of the FF prelude out there already, so it was difficult to find a new take on it in one sense. However, nobody had composed an arrangement of this main theme that emphasized the spiritual essence of the ever-prominent crystals in quite the same way -- so I used that to guide me: a feeling that this particular facet of the crystal had somehow been, for the most part, unnoticed.

This is sort of how I've been wanting to hear the song all along, emphasizing the more ethereal aspects of the games, as opposed to making the theme more grandiose or, adversely, tame and relaxing. In my mind, this could be a version of the tune that might play inside a temple in some kind of ancient magical village guarding an elemental crystal shard, such as Cleyra or Mysidia.

I used 3 harps, harpsichord, VSTs of a full choir, a soprano soloist, and a young boy soloist in this track, along with some temple bells and some mystical/spacey-sounding synths. I was sort of trying to combine the medieval aesthetic of most of the older games with the new-agey depth I have come to associate with the various alien and otherworldly races in FF, such as the Lunarians who are very knowledgeable and detached as compared with the protagonists."

Last Queued : 1 week, 6 days ago

This song has been played 8 times. [See Request History]
It was added 7 years, 1 month ago.

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Song Rating: 4 - Votes Placed: 1 View Voting History
A total of 0 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information

This song is a remix of: Console » Super NES (SNES) / Super FamicomFinal Fantasy IV - Prelude by flag Nobuo Uematsu (植松 伸夫) l Locked


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