- Chiptune, Retro & Video Game Music

Song Information
Tags for song:
almostvocalsRelated songs:

El Blanco (Mark Sanders)

Song Length: 10:43
Release Year: 1996
Song Status: Active
Song Source: NewSkool
Song Platform:
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)
Additional Information:
This tune has a more colorful history than most. I'm entirely sure how the first version was created but it's gained a bit of a cult following. I know this, the main chord samples were ripped from Necros and the rest of the song just sorta "popped" into place around that. At some point or another some people started to ask for a remix. Rather than go the traditional route, I actually included the remix after the original mix in the same module. By this time I had co-joined Opiate for a short spell and released the mix+remix under them (ignore the dates as they seem to be a hair off). Opiate disbanded, Terraformer was having issues so I made my own "group" of me and me and released a much demanded second mix under N-Trak - again following the Kanamon tradition to include all previous mixes in the same module. The result is a 10+min monster with three mixes of the same song! Strangely enough I ended up liking all three mixes.
Release info:
Alrighty then....Another Chapter unfolds in the conituing saga of Kanamon Worms.
Chapter III
Behemoth doth say "uhh that last remix kinda sucked"
Lord Blanka doth reply "You know alot of people have said that (not to mention the fact that The remix scored lower with the Hornet reviewers than the origional and it contained the origional with it!)"
Behemoth doth say "your kung fu is very good but you practice it again to do better"
Lord Blanka doth reply "ok"
And thus was born the third and hopefully final remix to this blasted song. Inspirations were drawn from....
The Origional (like _duh!_)
A midi remix Behemoth was doing (even though this sounds nothin like it)
A little Bob Marley
Some Pankakes and a fresh odor from the "can"
The movie Dune (don't ask)
A remix of an old amiga 4ch I was doin (but scrapped in favor of this)
Stuff in general.
Please note:This is the first N-Trak release evah! N-Trak is a new music group that me and another local guy (Slate) formed to further our musical abilities.
Peace out
\ / Lord Blanka the Black
| Terraformer / Opiate / N-Trak
| (c) Lord Blanka the Black Production 1997
Kanamon Worms(remixII)
Track 1 "This song is
turning into an
album remix"
Track 2 "Origional Mix"
Track 3 "Wormy Piano mix"
All mixes by
\ / Lord Blanka the Black
|Terraformer / Opiate
|N-Trak (c) 1997
Total time:10:43
Greets go out ta.
Behemoth (for making me
redo my remix of this
darn song)
Pubert (for making me
get on this remix trip)
The folks at TF
The folks at Opiate
Slate (for starting a
music group with me).
People I ripped samples
And a special greet to
all newbies, keep on
trackin' you'll get the
respect you deserve soon.
Regrets go out ta
Behemoth (sorry I didn't
use any of your ideas
directly in this mix just
couldn't get them to fit
in quite right)
Shift-f9 for schtuff
+-- - --- - - -- - --- - +
+[Instruments]===--- - - +
Kanamon worms.
My first complete .it
One of these days I'll
figure out the new
Lord Blanka the Black
approx 3:20 or so.
\ /:( I cant do my old
| logo any more.
1996 Terraformer
Ohh this
bad boy with the bass
ALL the way up. :)
Last Queued : 4 weeks ago
This song has been played 9 times.
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It was added 13 years ago.
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