Pterodactyl Squad
Links: [Website]
Last Updated:
13 Sept. 2019
Added By: FishGuy876
Pterodactyl Squad is a netlabel - an online record label which distributes music for free - and all the music we release is inspired by video games. We split our releases into three categories: original music, video game soundtracks - these may be faux soundtracks or soundtracks for indie games - and tribute albums. Download all the music you want and play it on your PC, put it on your MP3 player, burn it to CD and tell your friends!
Associated Artists:
arcadecoma. (Ross Murdoch)
Bit_Rat (Josiah Tobin)
Brad Smith
Echosignal (Dmitryj Zhemkov)
Jason Vincion
Lorenzo Music
OxygenStar (Carl P.)
R_Sunset (Nikita Bushmanov)
seal of quality
Sergeeo (Sergio De Prado)
Associated Songs:
23:35 by
arcadecoma. (Ross Murdoch)
Any Colour You Like by
Jason Vincion
Assault On Precinct 13 by
Comptroller (Michael Cox)
Big Trouble in Little China by
OxygenStar (Carl P.)
Bom Didl by
arcadecoma. (Ross Murdoch)
Brain Damage by
Echosignal (Dmitryj Zhemkov)
Dark Star by
R_Sunset (Nikita Bushmanov)
Eclipse by
Brad Smith
Escape From L.A. by
Escape from New York by
Halloween by
seal of quality
hey day by
arcadecoma. (Ross Murdoch)
In the Mouth of Madness by
arcadecoma. (Ross Murdoch)
killing time by
arcadecoma. (Ross Murdoch)
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Beach Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Cavelem Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Circus Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Classic Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Egyptian Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - End Theme by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Highland Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Medieval Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Menu Theme by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Outdoor Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Polar Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Shadow Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Space Tribe by
David Whittaker
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Sports Tribe by
David Whittaker
Money by
Sergeeo (Sergio De Prado)
On The Run by
Prince of Darkness by
Videogame Orchestra (Alex Retsis, George Addelides)
Speak to Me/Breathe by
Bit_Rat (Josiah Tobin)
Starman by
Lorenzo Music
texas battle by
arcadecoma. (Ross Murdoch)
The Fog by
Videogame Orchestra (Alex Retsis, George Addelides)
The Great Gig In The Sky by
The Thing by
They Live by
SLAW (B Leo & Peter Swimm)
Time by
Us and Them by
Videogame Orchestra (Alex Retsis, George Addelides)
What? nothing. by
arcadecoma. (Ross Murdoch)