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Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Sonic Generations - Hydrocity Zone Classic Remix by flag NicoCW
Requested By: flag Hneet

Time Left: 5:42

Rating: 4.50 (8 Votes)

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Artist Info

Jackie Presti

Location: flag NY
Associated Labels : LabelKonami

Additional Information:

As a singer, Jackie Presti has worked in every aspect of the music business. Since her first studio session at age twelve, Jackie has sung everything from Gregorian chant to imitating a singing banana for Nickelodeon. Shortly after graduating from music school at the University of Miami (voice, jazz studies, theory-composition) she moved to New York City where she has been both a soloist and group singer on many national commercials as well as performing in venues around the world. She has appeared On Broadway (City of Angels), Off-Broadway (Our Sinatra), and has sung on numerous television shows and recordings. Because of her accomplished musicianship, knowledge of vocal styles and experience working with many different singers, Jackie began to be asked to hire singers for various projects.

-- from Lastfm

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Last Updated: 31 Jan. 2017
Added By: flag MAT

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Song Title Artist Song Length Status Avg. Vote Queue Last Played
Console » PlayStation 3 (PS3)Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - Love Theme flag Jackie Presti , flag Nobuko Toda (戸田 信子) 7:09 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2025-02-11