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Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Pure Inspiration (Assembler Instinct) by flag Svolkraq (Kjetil Hoem)
Requested By: flag xrm1911
Pouet Icon

Time Left: 3:16

assembler instinct Screenshot
Rating: 4.90 (10 Votes)

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This site is non-profit (though donations are welcome to help pay the hosting/bandwidth fees, click the Donate button to learn about how it works). All music served by this radio station is either in the public domain, freely available on the internet (as MP3, or other original music format) or is played on a 'fair use' basis.

If you find a song that isn't in the public domain, or you wrote a piece of music that you would like removed from the site, please contact one of our team members who will be happy to help. Enjoy the music!

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News » Major Changes To Site

Pages: 1
Author Thread
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#319 (14 years, 6 months ago)

I have once again brought the CVGM codebase up to date with the most recent, now all the stress has calmed down from working on Zine. There are some major new features added.

Firstly, there is now a new event system in place which will make navigation, oneliner, and all areas of the site operate much more efficiently than they were before. We have also replaced the webserver to Cherokee to accomodate these changes. It uses far less resources, and is better equipped to handle the new event system.

The streaming portions have also been updated. It is now no longer needed for you to convert your tracks with mp3gain before uploading them, as they will automatically be scanned upon uploading to the site. As an added bonus, I have also scanned every track in the database and done the same to it. All tracks should now replay at the same volume.

There will be a few more updates posted over the coming weeks, so stay tuned to the forums to learn more about them as they happen As always, if you have any questions or comments, you may use this thread to talk about them, or any of the other threads in the system. Thanks!
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#324 (14 years, 5 months ago)
More changes to the site

Terrasque has added code for a generic database setup, so we now have the ability to add generic database fields to songs, user profiles, artists, lables and groups. As an example of how this works, I have added YouTube clips as an option to the Songs field. These fields are also available on upload forms!

Over the period of the next few weeks, I am going to migrate all HOL / Pouet / Atari Legends etc. links over to this new system, preserving the contents of the entries, so that less work to re-add them is required. Now would be a good time for people to suggest new areas of improvement in terms of databases we should support (do this in a new thread).

Another improvement is that you can now upload MOD files to the system instead of just MP3 files! \o/ By MODS, pretty much anything playable by BASS which includes S3m, XM, MOD, IT and many different tracker formats. Just upload them as you normally would, and the system will still stream them as normal. If you encounter any strange bugs with this, please report them in the appropriate forums with links to sample files that caused problems. Thanks!
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#325 (14 years, 5 months ago)
I should add that its not just database fields that we can add, we can pretty much add a field for nearly anything
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#330 (14 years, 5 months ago)
"ShanghaiShoryuSairin" to
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#360 (14 years, 4 months ago)
was "ShanghaiShoryuSairin" wrong? How does that function really work?
Pages: 1

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