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Handheld » Game Boy (LSDJ, with extra equipment)Shade in This Oppressive Heat Wave by flag Nestrogen (Michael Raisner)
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 1:33

Rating: 5.00 (1 Votes)

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This site is non-profit (though donations are welcome to help pay the hosting/bandwidth fees, click the Donate button to learn about how it works). All music served by this radio station is either in the public domain, freely available on the internet (as MP3, or other original music format) or is played on a 'fair use' basis.

If you find a song that isn't in the public domain, or you wrote a piece of music that you would like removed from the site, please contact one of our team members who will be happy to help. Enjoy the music!

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General Discussion » Clarification Regarding Site Goals, Moderator Roles, And Stuff In General :)

Pages: 1
Author Thread
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#166 (15 years, 3 months ago)
There were a few discussions on the oneliner yesterday and today about the site that had a few people (including myself at times) a little confused, so I thought I would just make this post to clarify over some of the things that were said/weren't said and so forth.

One of the big points of clarification was the types of music that we accept at this site. A couple of newer members thought that we only accepted game music and nothing else, some thought otherwise. Even though we talk about this in forum What Is Acceptable / Not Acceptable For Upload To The Site I would like to clarify, that we do accept uploads of (almost) every type.

We will accept uploads from: Most video games (see the post linked above for limitations), Demoscene music, Wild music (stuff created for no reason etc.), User submissions (people who made their own tracks), Disk magazines, Intros, Cracktros and anything else that I might have missed. As long as it meets our basic upload requirements, we will accept it into our database. Ignore anyone telling you that we only have X% of this, and Y% of that to maintain balance. Our demoscene music pile is a little low right now, but we are getting there! Remember, we are still a baby in comparison to most sites!

When I started CVGM with deathy & seppjo back in August, even when it was a concept idea, it was my intentions back then to have a site that catered to every type of computer music taste. I was tired of having to bounce back and forth between several stations to get quick fixes.

I never have, and never will, say that CVGM is "just limited to only game music" or any other genre My personal tastes bounce back and forth between games, demos and other computer generated tracks as does the tastes of many of our listeners, so I want to echo the fact that we will try to cater to them. As with any radio station, there probbably will be times where you don't like whats playing on the stream, its no different than a real radio broadcast. Just wait till the song ends and respect the wishes of the person who waited for it to be played. I wont get stuck in the middle of a censorship ban because a couple of people don't like a taste in music. Repressing any song from the DB is a bad idea, unless there is a valid reason for doing so.

I also caught a brief glimpse of someone asking permission to request songs of a type of genre after someone else was talking about requesting game musics. If the song is on this site, active and able to be queued, you may queue it if you want to No special permissions required, no asking anyone, listen to what you want to listen to! That's why we are here! Unfortunately, not everyone can listen to LukeLove 24 hours a day! But we forgive you!

Some other comments were made about the admins too, and what they are/aren't allowed to do or should be doing and so forth. It seems some of the users think that the moderators can only do a few things without my permissions.

I hand selected my moderators from a list of many people for different reasons. Each one is uniquely skilled in many different areas that benefit the site in one way or another. They work tirelessly to make CVGM what it is. Each one is entrusted with many powers of the site, and I trust them completely to do their job as admin, even if im not around. If a situation arises and they need to make a decision, they will, and I would expect everyone to honour that decision as if I had made it myself. These guys work very hard on the site, just as we all do, even though it may not show on the outside. I have complete confidence that they can do anything I normally could do or ask. Their decision to Accept or Reject tracks is good for me if they can provide me a reason (should I need to). We all have a very good idea of what our criteria is.

I am currently working on several official FAQ's regarding content, how to make MP3's and so forth to help you, our users, get the most out of the site. If we don't have something here (which is happening all the time) and you have the files, you can add them to the database by visiting the artists page. As long as they are at least 128k MP3 files, Constant bitrate, and not crap, we will take them! The FAQ should be up in the next few days with a lot more details in it.

If you have any questions, you can reply to this post, ask any moderator, or myself directly via a PM. Thank-you.
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#169 (15 years, 2 months ago)
Hehe, i see you are talking about the fact that i asked if i could request a demo tune I was joking of course. I am open to everything which has a link to retro gamo/demo sounds. The fact is that i adapt myself to the situation. If i'm alone, i don't mind requesting craps. If i see that there is a lot of people and that the playlist is game music, i adapt and won't request 6 demo music in a row, that's it I was just going to break a good game session and it was a manner to joke. Like when there is a Drax session on Necta and you feel the need to request He-Man.

My opinion is that if i or some people don't agree whith what is playing, it's possible ti switch to another radio and come back when the playlist fits with your wishes. That's why there is a playlist

I didn't follow what was said about moderators job...
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#170 (15 years, 2 months ago)
I have also wondered what made CVGM different from Nectarine as it seems to be the same but with a different name
I suggest the name is changed as soon as possible as it's not about games.

79 Posts
#171 (15 years, 2 months ago)
Almost everything Stefan_L has uploaded would have not been accepted at Nectarine

In practice about 70-80% of CVGM songs are from games so the name is not so misleading...
Pages: 1

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