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Computer » PC (OPL2 = AdLib / Sound Blaster)Doom - I Sawed The Demons (E2M1) Have video by flag Bobby Prince (Robert Prince)
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: Labelid Software
In Albums: Compilation Doom Classic

Time Left: 2:56

Doom Classic Screenshot
Rating: 4.30 (10 Votes)

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General Discussion » Tho you've known me by many names..

Pages: 1
Author Thread

33 Posts
#1624 (9 years, 1 month ago)
I'm walking away from the entertainment industry in general. I will continue w musical prowess tho I will remain under ground a mellow scene the Illuminati influence in music is so prevelant over here most symbolism I reflected was just that though I drew off Egyptian religious symbolism I guess that's the basis of the culture so I appreciate the art & what the symbolism represents & I have to say it never was about the devil so these are not the true illimied ones they profess only to be so the power lies in the unity of a species of humanity.. I will have my own life that's fricken Illumination thank you for listening & supporting my vatios incarnations yet all along you knew I was only GGOWYLLOP

33 Posts
#1625 (9 years, 1 month ago) So If you don't relate ultra syds of the world Bowie faked his death for a reason stuff happens when you pop up in a whack a mole star whacker industry I'm not even going into everything that's young on in that regard to folks working hard to bring the people a creative release did you know that Brian Jones & Hendrix were supposed to hook up to have a band but were star whacked = Killed like countless others. I don't expect you to relate to this.

33 Posts
#1626 (9 years, 1 month ago)

33 Posts
#1627 (9 years, 1 month ago)

33 Posts
#1631 (9 years, 1 month ago)
Horse eye or cow not human. . . . .. . Here's your Blast from the past of dead Rockers long gone : Considering the Entire body of work was spontaneous experimental improvisation I think a few cool sounds came out of that period. Primal Power Progressive Indeed - Frank R J Chessar
Pages: 1

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