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Console » Sega CD / Mega CDSyndicate - Track04 by flag Russell Shaw
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelBullfrog LabelDomark
In Albums: Compilation Syndicate (Sega/Mega CD)
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Time Left: 6:17

Syndicate Sega CD - Ingame Screenshot
Rating: 3.75 (4 Votes)

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General Discussion » CVGM for Windows Phone

Pages: 1
Author Thread

2 Posts
#874 (12 years, 11 months ago)
I'm putting my WP7 app through certification now and hope to have it up for download sometime over the next week. First time submitting an app with background audio, music hub interface and other integrations so I'm still learning what the certification process is for more advanced apps.

First version is pretty simple and will support Streaming of the 128k bit streams, background audio (not requiring app to stay running) and basic song info with cover art whenever available.

Working on a pretty panorama app that will have more integration with CVGM site as well, just learning how to integrate with demovibes and all the xml ins and outs and didn't want to delay getting a player out.

Will post links and screenshots here soon! I'll also make a generic demovibes app that will let you chose sites/streams and other options as well.

96 Posts
#875 (12 years, 11 months ago)
Did you think about adding support for new AAC streams (80, 48 and 16 kbit)? The last one seems like a good idea for bandwidth-limited mobile phone users.

2 Posts
#876 (12 years, 11 months ago)
definitely! i'll add those streams in before it goes public.. They would work much better over 3g anyway

96 Posts
#877 (12 years, 11 months ago)
Great work, blahism.
Pages: 1

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