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Handheld » Nintendo DS (Dual Screen) / DSiBomberman - Boss by flag Morihiro Iwamoto (岩本 守弘)
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelHudson Soft
In Albums: Compilation Bomberman

Time Left: 1:16

Rating: 5.00 (1 Votes)

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Development Area » User Highscore List, List all Songs you voted for, etc

Pages: 1
Author Thread
Anta baka?!

27 Posts
#582 (13 years, 5 months ago)

what I am missing from the original Nectarine site age is:

They had a highscore list with some categories as:
-who uploaded most songs
-who had voted most often
-who had commented the most

I think this would encourage people to vote more , and it's fun. maybe someday someone can implement this here.

Another very good feature at the USER page was
-List all songs I voted for
-List all songs I uploaded
-List all songs I wrote a comment for

This was nice, because I sometimes wanted to queue a song that I did not want in my favorites list but had voted for.

And for the database: it might be good to have a new field: -ALBUM NAME - for when you have several songs that belong to the same album obviously.

FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#645 (13 years, 4 months ago)
I did start some advanced stat code ages ago, it does need a bit of improvement to personalize it per-user, but it is on my list of stuff to do one day.

In dev on my test server is a "welcome" page when you log in, that shows a bunch of stuff like recent posts, stuff you recently did, stuff you need to do (like vote) and a few other things to encourage users to use and request stuff from the site.
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