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Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Burning My Heart (Martyn's Magic remix) by flag Martyn (Mattias Sundling)
Requested By: flag xrm1911

Time Left: 4:20

Rating: 4.75 (8 Votes)

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News » More New Site Stuff!

Pages: 1
Author Thread
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#428 (14 years, 2 months ago)

Once again, Terrasque has made some changes to the site code. This time, he has been working on compilations and sessions, and as a result anyone can create a compilation, and also they can be used as a session (where the entire compilation is put into the queue) by certain moderators.

Another change is that the site is currently testing a new java-based media player. It will be more apparent to mods on the Pending Uploads pages, and on song pages. This new player has some benefits over the old in that it will play some additional song formats (such as mods.XM, IT etc.) and we are currently troubleshooting some issues with it playing streams. Currently, whnen it plays the stream over the net it seems to play the song at the wrong speed and the result doesn't sound the greatest in the world. Terra is currently looking into that and a couple of other minor issues.

More Compilation Info
You can now change the order of songs in any compilation, any moderator can do this in the Edit Info portion of an existing compilation and the results are active once saved.

Any registered user can build their own compilations! Simply use This Link or go to Compilations -> New Compilation for the same page. In the search box, enter the SongID number and hit Search, then drag the song to the grey box underneath it! Use the same dragging action to sort the order of the songs as you want them to appear in the final compilation. The rest of the compilation data is the same as any other compilation and is pretty straight forward.

Once your compilation has been submitted, we strongly recommend that you make a post in forum Song Corrections / Changes and let us know you have a pending compilation. You can use the bbcode [ album ] tag with the compilation number (assigned to the URL when it has been received) in the style of: [ album ]25[ /album ] (without spaces) to make it appear like Turbo Sound. It would also be a good idea to put a description in the post, if there isnt one in the information field for the compilation itself. Compilations are not automatically made active, and until a moderator sets the active flag they won't appear in the compilations list.

Session Support
At long last, we finally have session support! Sessions are actually built from compilation entries, and select moderators will be able to inject the entire compilation in to the pending queue. This allows compilations to be made for a play session, a theme-based session and lots more.

Eventually on CVGM we will begin playing sessions on a regular basis so if you want to start building some good sessions to consider for playing, then let us know

As always, should you have any problems with this update or anything else on the site please let us know Thanks!
Falken / brainstorm

48 Posts
#430 (14 years, 2 months ago)
I tried to create a compilation using the new method, but only got a 500 error with a sad panda.

I first trimmed down the info I was sending (thinking perhaps I entered something wrong), then finally just tried creating a new compilation with just a name of "test" -- that failed too. I then asked jyooruje, who was online at the time, to try it for me, and he couldn't create it either. We ended up creating it through the admin panel...

The search inside the compilation page is also weird. I had uploaded Bully: Scholarship Edition - Bike Action, and so searched for "bully". However, Sidewalk Bullies only showed up in the search results. I tried I few other strings to search for the track, but wasn't able to get it to appear. In the end, I just added it to the compilation through the admin panel again...
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#431 (14 years, 1 month ago)
Hehe, I should check this more often

The 500 errors occured from the wsgi stuff not shutting down correctly as I remember, after a full reboot it all fixed itself. More changes to the compilation system have been added and are going through some testing, so hopefully there should be no more problems
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#433 (14 years, 1 month ago)
See forum Newly Added Site Changes for new changes, and all future site code updates
Pages: 1

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