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Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 原初(はじまり)の終焉(おわり) (The End of the Beginning) by flag Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelSony Computer Entertainment
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Time Left: 4:24

Wild Arms 3 - shot 2 Screenshot
Rating: 4.56 (9 Votes)

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Performance » Mixed (Multiple Instruments)Fear Not This Night (Guild Wars 2 cover) Have video

Author: flag Malukah (Judith de los Santos)

Uploaded By: flag guru

Extra Resources: Icon Icon

Song Length: 5:02
Release Year: 2012
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 256 kbps
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform: PlatformPerformance » Mixed (Multiple Instruments)

Additional Information:

Guild Wars 2 cover by Taylor, Lara, and Malukah


Fear not this night
You will not go astray
Though shadows fall
Still the stars find their way

Awaken from a quiet sleep
Hear the whispering of the wind
Awaken as the silence grows
In a solitude of the night

Darkness spreads through all the land
And your weary eyes open silently
Sunsets have forsaken all
The most far off horizons

Nightmares come when shadows grow
Eyes close and heartbeats slow

Fear not this night
You will not go astray
Though shadows fall
Still the stars find their way

And you can always be strong
Lift your voice with the first light of dawn

Dawn's just a heartbeat away
Hope's just a sunrise away

Distant sounds of melodies
Calling through the night to your heart
Auroras, mists, and echoes dance
In the solitude of our life

Pleadings heard in arias
Gently grieving in captive misery
Darkness sings a forlorn song
Yet our hope can still rise up

Nightmares come when shadows grow
Lift your voice, lift your hope

Fear not this night
You will not go astray
Though shadows fall
Still the stars find their way

And though the night sky's filled with blackness
Fear not, rise up, call out and take my hand

Fear not this night
You will not go astray
Though shadows fall (Still the stars find their way)

Fear not this night
You will not go astray
Though shadows fall (Still the stars find their way)

And you can always be strong
Lift your voice with the first light of dawn

Dawn's just a heartbeat away
Hope's just a sunrise away

Last Queued : 5 months, 1 week ago

This song has been played 22 times. [See Request History]
It was added 5 years, 6 months ago.

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Song Rating: 2.5 - Votes Placed: 2 View Voting History
A total of 1 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Comments

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flag FishGuy876
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

Had to add the lyrics to this beautiful song

flag debo
debo is flashy, fact! :sumo: