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Arcade » Other (any non-listed arcade)Rastan Saga - Final Destroy Have video by flag Masahiko Takaki (高木 正彦)
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelTaito
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Time Left: 2:03

Rating: 3.80 (5 Votes)

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This site is non-profit (though donations are welcome to help pay the hosting/bandwidth fees, click the Donate button to learn about how it works). All music served by this radio station is either in the public domain, freely available on the internet (as MP3, or other original music format) or is played on a 'fair use' basis.

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Song Information

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Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Human Analogue

Author: flag Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort) GroupKosmic Free Music Foundation [KFMF]

Uploaded By: flag Woodee

Extra Resources:

Song Length: 6:51
Release Year: 1996
Song Status: Active
Song Source: Song
Song Platform: PlatformUtility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)

Additional Information:

the Kosmic Archive CD-ROM order form (last updated Dec. 29th, 1996)

We are currently compiling the first widely available Kosmic Archives
CD-ROM. This CD will be manufactured and shipped on January 27th, 1997.
The cost per CD is $12.00 plus shipping, unless you live in the US, in which
case the price includes 4th class (bulk rate) shipping and handling (add $1
more for 1st class shipping, see below for overseas shipping costs).

This CD contains lots of things, including:

The complete Kosmic release archive of all songs released from 1991
through the end of 1996 (507 regular releases plus lots and lots of
other things, over one-thousand songs by KFMF members!

All Kosmic demos, EGG musicdisks, artist musicdisks and other KFMF and
related productions!

A large sample library taken from the Kosmic archives and including
additional previously unavailable samples from Maelcum's personal

All files both unzipped and zipped on the disc (as space permits)

it's a CD PLUS/Enhanced CD with AUDIO CD music tracks to listen to
too, featuring kosmic music!

Also we have a number of audio CDs by FTZ (Maelcum of Kosmic and Riku
Nuottajarvi), the album "Nothing Is True". Over 60 minutes of great techno
and ambient tracks. This is normally $8 (add $2 for S&H outside US) but if
you order it with the Kosmic CD-ROM, you get both for just $16! Just select
BONUSOFFER below. Please include $4 additional for S&H outside the US for
the bonus offer.

*US dollar amounts only please!*

Remember, the price goes up January 1st! Order now and save big!

Kosmic CD-ROM Form

Date of Order: _________

Ship to: _______________________

email address: _________________

| Quantity | Order Code | Cost (quantity X price per copy)
| | |
| | FTZCD |
| | -OR- |
| | (both CDs) |
Subtotal | _________
| $1 per cd additional 1st class
Shipping Costs | _________ <- in United States.
| $2 per cd additional for orders
Total Amount | _________ outside of United States.
(so for bonus offer $4 extra
for overseas s&h)

Please read all appropriate ordering information
before sending your order!

Mail with payment payable to "Dan Nicholson":

Kosmic Archives CD-ROM offer
553 Thoreau Terrace
Union, NJ 07083-9044 USA

* Thank you for your order! *

Last Queued : 2 months, 3 weeks ago

This song has been played 29 times. [See Request History]
It was added 10 years, 10 months ago.

Song Rating

Song Rating: 4.5 - Votes Placed: 2 View Voting History
A total of 1 users have this song on their favourites list.

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