- Chiptune, Retro & Video Game Music

Song Information

Jeenio (Jorge Silva)

Song Length: 5:10
Release Year: 2011
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 193 kbps
Song Source: E.P. / Compilation / Free Album
Song Platform:
Computer » PC (custom)
Additional Information:
I first started working on this track during the same period I recorded an album with my jazz project. The chord progressions and melodies were at first more complicated, but I managed to make them more simple and audible. It had a jazzy feeling to it, but I decided to make it more soul/funk as the changes in the progressions were made.
At first, the idea was to make it instrumental, but I got some inspiration in terms of words, and had to make it a "song". Unfortunately, I couldn't get a singer to work with me before the deadline, so I had to do it myself. Sorry about that. The main message is that there is a life besides computing. We use computers every day, and I'm no exception. But in these troubled times maybe we should go outside and forget a bit the digital world, live in a closer contact with nature and other people.
The lyrics are (I know it's engrish, sorry about that):
Once upon a time, in a land far away,
I used to call my friends to play all day.
We didn't have computers cause we couldn't pay,
So we'd grab a ball, go outside and play.
Even I could, I wouldn't have it otherwise,
I was just too happy to have fun and socialize.
Sorry but that's something that I cannot compromise,
Fat, unhealthy kids, now that's something I despise.
As I'm growing older, and wiser - I hope -
All I need to live is to know that I'm free,
But there are kids that are finding hard to cope
With being the only ones without a PS3.
I never had a console, not until last year,
My parents thought that playing was an uncreative thing.
And now you have to own one, it's what I fear,
My son will say "playstation" before he learns to sing!
Get out of your chair,
Breathe some fresh air,
Feel the wind in your hair...
Take a look around, there's so much to see,
Push away the ground, just fly and be free,
Never looking down...
Say good-bye to your PC and come fly with me."
Last Queued : 2 months ago
This song has been played 28 times.
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It was added 13 years, 10 months ago.
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Compilation / Remix Information
This Song Is Listed In The Following Compilations:
The Sound Of SceneSat, Vol. 2
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