- Chiptune, Retro & Video Game Music

Platform - Arcade » Taito F3

Things that should be added under this platform:
- songs ripped or recorded from this arcade system or emulator
- CPU: MC68EC020
- Sound CPU: MC68000
- Sound Chip: Ensoniq ES5505
- Sound DSP: Ensoniq ES5510
- Video resoution: 320x224
- Board composition: Board and F3 Cartridge
- Hardware Features: 4 scrolling layers (512x512 or 1024x512) of 4/5/6 bpp tiles, 1 scrolling text layer (512x512, characters generated in vram) 4bpp chars, 1 scrolling pixel layer (512x256 pixels generated in pivot ram) 4bpp pixels, 2 sprite banks (for double buffering of sprites), Sprites can be 4, 5 or 6 bpp, Sprite scaling, row scroll on all playfields, Line by line zoom on all playfields, column scroll on all playfields, Line by line sprite and playfield priority mixing, Alpha blending on playfields and VRAM layer.