- Chiptune, Retro & Video Game Music

Platform - Performance » Orchestra

Orchestral music that is not from the game (non-game albums and compilations).
The music performed with a computer should NOT be added under this platform.
Orchestral music from the game should be entered under game platform (for multi-platform games that means under the platform the music is taken from, or if it is from OST under the platform for which the game came out first).
Arranged original soundtracks that have orchestral music for games that otherwise have non-orchestral music should be added under "Arranged OST" platform instead of here.
For any exceptions or doubts, use your own judgment to select the most appropriate platform.
Various orchestras exist as artist, so this platform is really somewhat of a special case.
Here are some of the orchestras in our artists database:
- Budapest Symphony Orchestra
- Philharmonia Orchestra
- Moscow Symphony Orchestra
- Northwest Sinfonia
- London Symphony Orchestra
- Hollywood Studio Symphony
- Sinfonia of London