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Compilation Compilation: Tweenage Nintechno #YOLO Catz

Tristendo - Tweenage Nintechno #YOLO Cat
Tristendo - Tweenage Nintechno #YOLO Cat

Compilation Summary:
Name: Tweenage Nintechno #YOLO Catz
Release Date: 5 March 2013
Media Type: mp3/flac/etc…
Additional Info: Details Page
Download Link: Download Info

Added On: 10 March 2013
By: flag Starpilot

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Compilation Details For Tweenage Nintechno #YOLO Catz:

Tristendo's music is always a well-crafted blend of the playful and bizarre, often very technical and sometimes truly experimental. Here he is presenting Datathrash's first NES based release. As a special treat, there's also a remix from another master experimentalist, Neil Baldwin!

Although I feel the title "Nintechno Tweenage #YOLO Catz" speaks for itself, here are Tristendo's words on the subject:

"Welcome to the world of the Tweenage Nintechno #YOLO Catz. Taking some quite raspy famicom disk system audio to it acceptable limits while trying to remain quite melodic. The music itself is kind of inspired by the “Tween wave” Episode of South Park. In this episode the people in town become listeners of music that is represented by farting sounds. It made me think of modern music movements such as Chip bass or dub step which offer the listener bigger lows and Raspy highs.
In this album I take you on a half our ride through the wonderful world of the 2a03 triangle bass with its Japanese companion fds san the wave table. Vast amounts of sawy grooves and VGM sounding escapes. There is a bit of hauntology involved in this one so you’re getting quite the pie here. If there is one statement to be made it’s to take life serious enough to understand the dangers but never let it eclipse the beautiful things that make it yours.
Thanks to the following people for making the Tweenage Nintechno #YOLO Cats experience an reality, for without you in my life none of this would be possible.
Patrick Higgins, Jayme Fields, Breanna Fields, Joe Garcia, Matt Stone, Trey Parker, Stacy Corrales, William Corrales, Mark Steiner, Chris Fox, Alex Luna,Tony Miller,Dakoda Clark, Arnie Holder,Trash80,Rich vreeland, Lazerbeat, PDF_Format, ZanZanZawaVeia, BlitzLunar, B-knox and Puke7, Strobe, kulor, ChipChampion, Ant1, miau, UI, misfitChris, and Everybody from Everybody who ever submitted music on before December 2009 and last but not least Kristen Holder :)"
-Tristan Corrales, 4 March 2013

Compilation Artists: flag Tristendo (Tristan Corrales)

Songs In This Production (7 Total) :

Console » Famicom Disk System (FDS)Bacon Slam by flag Tristendo (Tristan Corrales) Log in to queue
Console » Famicom Disk System (FDS)Going In Raw Dog by flag Tristendo (Tristan Corrales) l Locked
Console » Famicom Disk System (FDS)Sometimes I Cry In Your Ice Cream by flag Tristendo (Tristan Corrales) Log in to queue
Console » Famicom Disk System (FDS)T-Rex Jet Pak by flag Tristendo (Tristan Corrales) l Locked
Console » Famicom Disk System (FDS)Cuttin Moon Cheese Is No Joke by flag Tristendo (Tristan Corrales) Log in to queue
Console » Famicom Disk System (FDS)Pho by flag Tristendo (Tristan Corrales) l Locked
Console » Famicom Disk System (FDS)Sometimes I Cry In Your Ice Cream (Remixed by Neil Baldwin) by flag Tristendo (Tristan Corrales) Log in to queue

All Images For This Compilation

Tristendo - Tweenage Nintechno #YOLO Cat
Tristendo - Tweenage Nintechno #YOLO Cat