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Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)ZUB by flag Fuxoft (František Fuka)
Requested By: flag FishGuy876
In Albums: Compilation Soundtrack IV

Time Left: 2:59

Soundtrack IV Screenshot
Rating: 4.10 (20 Votes)

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Artist Info

Megan McDuffee

Location: flag San Francisco

Additional Information:

from website : "First things first, I'm a composer, music producer, and recording artist for video games, trailers, and film. There wasn't a defining moment per say when I thought to myself, "I want to write music." It was just there from the beginning. In 2006 I heard Film Composer Hans Zimmer speak at a composer's convention in Los Angeles. He basically said if you can do anything else, do it. The music industry is terribly difficult to break into, so if you have any penchant towards other fields, go for them instead. Only the people who absolutely cannot do anything else in life and be happy should compose music for film and video games. I can safely say that I am one of those people. I honestly would not be satisfied if I didn't pursue this challenging and rewarding career." ...

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Last Updated: 24 Sept. 2021
Added By: flag Hneet

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