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Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Mad TV - Psychiatrist by flag Rudi (Rudolf Stember)
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelRainbow Arts
In Albums: Compilation Mad TV - Amiga
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Time Left: 2:08

madtv-1 Screenshot
Rating: 3.50 (2 Votes)

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Artist Info


Name : Tiago Lopes
Location: flag Coimbra

Additional Information:


Tee Lopes is a creative mind, known predominantly as a video game composer, but also as a songwriter, singer, arranger, voice over artist, DJ and occasional graphic designer.

Born in Coimbra, Portugal, Tee came to the United States at the age of 15 and currently lives and works in New Jersey. He originates from a family of music enthusiasts, and has been linked to the stage and entertainment world from a young age.

After graduating high school, Tee began working on a career as a self-taught beat maker and rapper, releasing many hip hop songs in Portuguese, winning several remix contests and being featured on hip hop magazines and mix tapes in his home country.

However, when the chance to create music for a video game arrived, he immediately fell in love with the industry and made it his goal instead, to become a full-time videogame composer.

In 2008, Tee posted the first of many Sonic The Hedgehog remixes on his YouTube page, gathering some notoriety amongst the Sonic fan community. He was soon noticed by Jared Kasl and Tom Fry, who after working together on a well known fan project, decided to form PagodaWest games, and hired Tee to create his first full soundtrack for the award-winning "Major Magnet" for iPhone/iPad, which gave him his first real taste of envisioning a fully fledged musical world. He has worked with a few other indie developers on some smaller projects, while composing jingles and instrumentals for advertisements, and singing cover music at bars and restaurants.

In 2015 PWG joined in collaboration with Christian Whitehead and Stealth to create Sonic Mania, and Tee Lopes was the number one choice to tackle the soundtrack,for which he is best known today.

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Last Updated: 13 Sept. 2017
Added By: flag HaCKa

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Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Aviões do Magic Shower flag Tee (Tiago Lopes) 2:13 Active 5.0 l Locked 2025-02-26