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Computer » Commodore 64/128The Last Ninja - The Inner Sanctum Loader by flag Anthony LeesDeceased
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation The Last Ninja (C64)

Time Left: 4:35

The Last Ninja (C64) Screenshot
Rating: 4.38 (8 Votes)

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Artist Info

Yuriko Kaida

Name : 貝田 由里子
Location: flag
Associated Labels : LabelNamco

Additional Information:

Trained at Kunitachi College of Music, after graduation, she became a studio/live musician, providing vocals and backing chorus to numerous artists in record studios and on tours. Yuriko Kaida is a long-time Kajiura vocalist, they first met on NOIR project in 2001. Indeed, she is the singer of the songs which made Yuki break into the anime world : Canta per Me, Lullaby and Salva Nos. Whether it be on the chorus or as a main vocal, it is not rare to hear Yuriko Kaida’s voice into Yuki’s works. She is also performing in Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#1, 2, 3 and will sing in the fourth one this summer. In addition, she has composed some of the theme songs of Medabots and Ojamajo Doremi. On FictionJunction’s latest release, Everlasting Songs, she performs lead vocals on “here we stand in the morning dew” (originally performed by Saeko Chiba in Everything ) and “Himitsu” (originally performed by Aya Hisakawa in NOIR blanc dans NOIR), as well as providing backing vocals throughout the album.

-- from Yuki Kajiura's vocalists page

She is also a vocal for some of the songs in "Xenosaga: Episode II".

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Last Updated: 5 Dec. 2018
Added By: flag MAT

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Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Inside: Sakura #3 flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) , flag Yuriko Kaida (貝田 由里子) 1:24 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2022-03-15
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Jr. #2 flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) , flag Yuriko Kaida (貝田 由里子) 1:41 Active 2.7 l Locked 2025-03-09