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OST » Arranged Soundtrack (Official / Commercial)Immortal 4 - Liberation: Captive 2 by flag TDK (Mark Knight)
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 5:42

Rating: 4.00 (3 Votes)

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Artist Info

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The Fat Man

Name : George Alistair Sanger
Location: flag Austin
Date Of Birth : 14 Dec. 1957
Associated Labels : Label21st Century Entertainment, LabelAcclaim Entertainment, LabelActivision, LabelAtari Games, LabelBandai, LabelBullet-Proof Software, LabelDomark, LabelElectronic Arts, LabelInterplay, LabelJaleco, LabelJVC, LabelKonami, LabelLegend Entertainment, LabelLucasFilm / LucasArts, LabelMicroProse, LabelMindscape, LabelNamco, LabelNew World Computing, LabelOrigin Systems, LabelSierra on-line, LabelSony Computer Entertainment, LabelSSI (Strategic Simulations, Inc.), LabelStarbyte, LabelThe 3DO Company, LabelTHQ, LabelUbisoft Entertainment, LabelVic Tokai, LabelVirgin Games

Additional Information:

George Alistair Sanger (born December 14, 1957, from Austin, Texas), also known as "The Fat Man", is an American musician who has composed music for over 200 different computer and video games, beginning in 1983. Some of his best-known works include The 7th Guest, Wing Commander, Hard Nova, Maniac Mansion (NES version), Loom, and Tux Racer. Sanger leads the band Team Fat, which also includes fellow video game music composers Dave Govett, Joe McDermott and Kevin Weston Phelan. He has also written a novel, The Fat Man on Game Audio: Tasty Morsels of Sonic Goodness, described by him as, "a book about game audio wrapped in a biography wrapped in a philosophy on life."

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Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flag Tarantula

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