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Console » Super NES (SNES) / Super FamicomDonkey Kong Country - Life in the Mines by flag Dave Wise
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelRare
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Time Left: 2:11

DKC SNES Cover Screenshot
Rating: 4.77 (13 Votes)

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Artist Info

Michael Bartlow

Location: flag
Associated Labels : LabelAcclaim Entertainment, LabelElectronic Arts, LabelInterplay, LabelMindscape

Additional Information:

Michael Bartlow is an American composer and sound designer known for his work with Bally Midway and Electronic Arts. He first started working on video games in October 1982 at Bally Midway. In August 1988, he left Bally Midway and joined Apple as a senior audio engineer. In September 1990, Bartlow left Apple and joined Electronic Arts and composed the music to many of their Sega Genesis games. He even got the chance to work with some big name video game musicians such as Rob Hubbard and David Whittaker. In September 1994, he left Electronic Arts to create his own video game music company GameSound which he ran until February 1996. After that, he worked at Acclaim until March 1998 where his video game music career ended. He then went to work for Osiris Software as an executive producer. He worked there until February 2001. Since then, Michael has been running UsefulComputing in which he programs software. The goal of the company is to make computers to people who don't believe in technology.

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Last Updated: 12 Sept. 2019
Added By: flag vanward

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Songs Connected To This Artist

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Console » Mega Drive / GenesisRoad Rash - Main Theme flag Michael Bartlow , flag Rob Hubbard 2:21 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-08-13
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisRoad Rash - Pacific Coast Have video flag Michael Bartlow , flag Rob Hubbard 3:14 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-10-05
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisRoad Rash - Palm Desert Have video flag Michael Bartlow , flag Rob Hubbard 5:00 Active 3.8 Log in to queue 2025-01-21
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisRoad Rash - Sierra Nevada Have video flag Michael Bartlow , flag Rob Hubbard 3:50 Active 4.2 l Locked 2025-02-12