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Console » Mega Drive / GenesisAddams Family Values - Mountain Petrified by flag Keith Tinman , flag Teque (Tero Kostermaa)
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelOcean Software

Time Left: 1:45

Addams Family Values ingame - Genesis Screenshot
Rating: 4.00 (5 Votes)

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Artist Info

George Oldziey

Location: flag Austin
Associated Labels : LabelOrigin Systems

Additional Information:

George Oldziey has been a professional musician since the age of 14. After his first three years in Brooklyn, NY, George grew up and spent his high school years in Westwood, NJ. He began studying accordion at the age of 7 but switched to trumpet two years later. While in Jr. High and High school, George studied with former "Tonight Show" trumpeter Carl Poole and jazz great George "Pee Wee" Erwin. He began playing trumpet professionally at the age of 15, playing various church jobs, club dates, and with the show bands in the Catskill hotels. While in high school, George was a four time member of the NJ All State Band and Orchestra, placing in the top 5 spots each year.

In 1994, George became an in-house composer for the Electronic Arts company Origin Systems, for whom he created scores for some of the biggest hits in the video game industry including the Wing Commander, Ultima and Crusader series.

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Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flag guru

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Song Title Artist Song Length Status Avg. Vote Queue Last Played
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom - Main Title, Ambush, Combat Have video flag George Oldziey 4:16 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2025-01-31