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Computer » PC (OPL2 = AdLib / Sound Blaster)Mad TV - The Video Library by flag Jochen Hess
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelRainbow Arts
In Albums: Compilation Mad TV - IBM-PC AdLib
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Time Left: 3:49

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Rating: 2.25 (4 Votes)

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Development Area » Strange switch in selected platform

Pages: 1
Author Thread

106 Posts
#1062 (12 years, 2 months ago)
If you check Deus Ex tracks, you will find almost all of them marked as Arranged OST, while I only marked one of them as such, and all the other as PC Game Custom.

If you check this page of one of the tracks...

You will notice that other songs that appear in the tag cloud were still marked as PC Game Custom, which means I indeed originally marked them as such.

How did the switch occurred all of a sudden? I tried to see history to see if someone made those changes, but history was empty.

34 Posts
#1063 (12 years, 2 months ago)
Stefan_L changed the tracks into Arranged OST. I asked him if he is sure and he meaned: "Yes, i know the game very well, it is in my top 3 of all time. " hehe Discuss it with Stefan plz.:)

106 Posts
#1064 (12 years, 2 months ago)
He should've done that through frontend, because if he uses admin page no history will be saved.

I had Deus Ex music ripped from the game, and the music on the soundtrack really doesn't sound that different. Stefan, are you absolutely certain about this?

If you are, be sure to change the two missed tracks as well

And Vanvard, once you try a Deus Ex game, it automatically becomes one of your favorites, it's that kind of game
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#1065 (12 years, 2 months ago)
I used the frontend, this cant be done in admin area
history is there:

And yes this is arranged/remixed unless it is from the PS2 version or whatever other formats the game was released for.

Really if this "...really doesn't sound that different" then how much else is wrong? Actually i think we should not take music from "OST's" anymore unless it really is the music version that is in the game. I heard some really horrible recent MSX "Vampire Killer" and "Metal Gear" OST uploads with "fake" stereo and reverb madnes added to them wich does not actually sound like in the game.

Some platforms probably does not matter if the music is taken from OST's as they have the same music as streamed format in the game, mostly newer systems like PS2,PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360 and new PC games.

Should we agree not to upload OST's from system older than the ones i listed? It is not difficult to use an soundemulator to batch convert any ripped music files ro wav,mp3,ogg like PSF,DSF and such and afaik so are most emulators very good.
Or even better record from the real machine if possible.
Pages: 1

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