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Computer » Commodore 64/128Rasputin by flag Rob Hubbard
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelFirebird

Time Left: 5:08

Rating: 4.54 (26 Votes)

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Miscellaneous » Commercial CDThe Sound of SceneSat Vol. 6 - Reception Control

Author: flag Proteque (Gjøran Sæther)

Uploaded By: flag FishGuy876

Extra Resources:

Song Length: 6:24
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 320 kbps
Song Source: E.P. / Compilation / Free Album
Song Platform: PlatformMiscellaneous » Commercial CD

Additional Information:

Hello dear demoscene friends. I was super happy when Ziph sent me an email about being welcome onboard this collection. SOS is one of my favourite music activities these days and one of the very few involving electronic music. I hardly ever walk outside the valley of metal these days so this was a good excuse to bring back some unz. I guess most of you where hoping for 24 minutes of pads. This year I decided to break that and do something completely different. (I know, I know. I know how everyone loves tapping their feets to no beats but not this time). BTW I need to say it: 2020 SUCKS!!! I was planing to visit Solskogen for one last time! But that virus thingy killed it. Now we are without demoparties in Norway. I hope someone will fix that, and make one that can make sure I can meat all you good people again soon. Anyway! Not sure how long this scroller text can be. So better end it now and make sure it repeats one more times so you all get a chance to enjoy this scroller. SOS rules, SceneSat rules and all the SceneSat crew rules. Thanx for inviting me to this!

Last Queued : 2 months, 2 weeks ago

This song has been played 5 times. [See Request History]
It was added 3 years, 6 months ago.

Song Rating

Song Rating: 3 - Votes Placed: 1 View Voting History
A total of 1 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information

This Song Is Listed In The Following Compilations:

Compilation The Sound of SceneSat Volume 6


The Sounds of SceneSat Vol. 6
The Sounds of SceneSat Vol. 6
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