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Console » Mega Drive / GenesisGleylancer - Story 3 & Stage 5 (Huge Battleship) by flag Isao Mizoguchi , flag Masanori Hikichi , flag Noriyuki Iwadare (岩垂 徳行) , flag Yoshiaki Kubotera
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelMasaya LabelNCS Corp

Time Left: 3:43

Gleylancer (Mega Drive) Screenshot
Rating: 4.70 (10 Votes)

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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations - Mask De Masque: Please Listen! - History

A history of play requests for song Handheld » Nintendo DS (Dual Screen) / DSiPhoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations - Mask De Masque: Please Listen!

Requester Date
flag Stefan_L 23 Sept. 2012 12:39
flag djrandom 7 Oct. 2012 20:38
flag djrandom 22 Nov. 2012 23:25
flag djrandom 25 July 2013 16:54
flag djrandom 24 Dec. 2013 07:19
flag djrandom 4 May 2014 21:34
flag Akshaal 17 June 2014 11:58
flag ticho 23 July 2014 19:47
flag ticho 27 Aug. 2014 17:58
flag FishGuy876 19 Dec. 2014 13:09
flag djrandom 5 June 2016 19:45
flag djrandom 21 Aug. 2017 18:40
flag djrandom 19 May 2019 20:01
flag djrandom 24 Aug. 2019 23:25
flag djrandom 4 Nov. 2019 06:52
flag djrandom 23 March 2020 06:01
flag djrandom 2 Aug. 2020 21:43
flag djrandom 28 Oct. 2020 02:11
flag djrandom 27 March 2021 09:22
flag djrandom 15 Feb. 2022 18:01