- Chiptune, Retro & Video Game Music

Platform - Arcade » Sega ST-V

Things that should be added under this platform:
- songs ripped or recorded from this arcade system or emulator
Cartridge based arcade system (Sega Saturn Hardware).
- Main CPU: 2x Hitachi SH-2 @ 28.6 MHz in a master/slave configuration
Custom Saturn Control Unit (SCU): Fixed-point math coprocessor
- VDP1: 32-bit Video Display Processor - handles sprite and polygon drawing. Dual 256 KB framebuffers for rotate and scale effects. Texture mapping, Gouraud shading. 512KB texture RAM
-VDP2: 32-bit background and scroll plane Video Display Processor - transparency effects, shadowing, 5 simultaneous scrolling backgrounds and 2 simultaneous rotating playfields
- Sound CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 11.45 MHz
- Sound Chip: Yamaha YMF292-F SCSP @ 11.3 MHz
- Main RAM: 2 MB
- VRAM: 1.54MB
- Audio RAM: 512KB