Prehistorik - Level 5 (Forest)
Compilation Summary:
Name: Prehistorik - Roland MT32
Running Time: 10:49
Added On:
11 April 2017
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Compilation Details For Prehistorik - Roland MT32:
Music originally composed by
Christophe Fevre
and adapted by Michel Golgevit, Zorba Kouaik The playable character is a neanderthal armed with a club. In a search for food, the neanderthal must hit dinosaurs and other animals that come in his way. Some hostile beings can't be beat, so the player must dodge them. A boss awaits in every even numbered level. There are seven levels.
Prehistorik is a platform game developed by Titus Interactive for the Amiga, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC and DOS. Titus Interactive also published it, and released the game in 1991.
Compilation Artists:
Michel Golgevit
Zorba Kouaik
Songs In This Production (9 Total) :
Prehistorik - Intro by
Michel Golgevit
Zorba Kouaik
Prehistorik - Level 1 (Plains) by
Michel Golgevit
Zorba Kouaik
Prehistorik - Level 3 (Ice) by
Michel Golgevit
Zorba Kouaik
Prehistorik - Level 5 (Forest) by
Michel Golgevit
Zorba Kouaik
Prehistorik - Level 7 (Lava caves) by
Michel Golgevit
Zorba Kouaik
Prehistorik - Level 2-4-6 (Boss Fight) by
Michel Golgevit
Zorba Kouaik
Prehistorik - Level Complete by
Michel Golgevit
Zorba Kouaik
Prehistorik - Game Over by
Michel Golgevit
Zorba Kouaik
Prehistorik - Game Complete by
Michel Golgevit
Zorba Kouaik