Compilation Details For Roots:
Every song on this album was composed using a Nintendo Gameboy DMG-01 running the homebrew software LSDJ. If you download the album I've also included the .sav files so feel free to learn my tricks, remix, or whatever!
Compilation Artists:
Danimal Cannon
Songs In This Production (18 Total) :
Intro by
Danimal Cannon
Roots by
Danimal Cannon
Forest Gnome Shindig by
Danimal Cannon
Polywrath by
Danimal Cannon
Agrobacter by
Danimal Cannon
Danimal Across America by
Danimal Cannon
A New Day by
Danimal Cannon
The Big Crunch by
Danimal Cannon
Synergy (ft. Paul Wardingham, Shnabubula, and Tony Dickinson) by
Danimal Cannon
Good Journey (Don't Say Goodbye) by
Danimal Cannon
Blueshift by
Danimal Cannon
Jean Luc by
Danimal Cannon
Gorelax by
Danimal Cannon
Spacewalk by
Danimal Cannon
Moonlight Sonata by
Danimal Cannon
She Will Be Remembered by
Danimal Cannon
Danimal Across America (IRL Mix) by
Danimal Cannon
Roots (IRL Mix) by
Danimal Cannon
Production Notes: ll instruments played by Danimal Cannon EXCEPT:
Track 9 Synergy: 3:38-6:00 bass guitar by Tony Dickinson 3:38-4:11 piano by Shnabubula 4:14-4:55 lead guitar by Paul Wardingham
www.facebook.com/danimalcannonmusic www.twitter.com/armcannon www.ubiktune.org
artwork by Francis Coulombe frankiesmileshow.com