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Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)Jophar Vorin of Laxaria by flag YERZMYEY
Requested By: flag DennyVenice

Time Left: 2:37

Rating: 4.78 (9 Votes)

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Development Area » Site Changes [01-23-2010]

Pages: 1
Author Thread
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#214 (14 years, 11 months ago)
Welcome to the first biggish batch of changes in 2010! This list is more just a bunch of stuff people have asked me to throw in, or stuff I realized I didn't add in earlier fixes. There is still a lot more coming, so don't fret if you don't see something you asked for. You can always suggest it in this forum to make sure it isnt on the list!!

Anyways, tonights changes and what they mean

* Songs tagged as 'Need Re-Encoding' can now be queued like normal songs. Just because they need re-encoding doesn't mean they are bad; It just needs a better source. If the song is really all that bad, then reject it instead!

* As a start to our Anti-Troll measures, only one email account can be used on the site. You will not be permitted to make multiple accounts with the same email address. Admins who have access to user accounts should never delete them if they remove users; They should always mark them inactive so this will kick in on those accounts.

* Preference values for emails being sent when new groups/labels/artists are created are now honoured. If you choose to disable these messages, the system will no longer send you an email.

* Site staff will have any group/label/artist entry they make in the system approved automatically.

* Staff members can now search forum posts. Go to Admin -> Threads and a new search box is visible where you can look for threads by title. I am working on a public search system for the same thing, but it will come to light in a future update.

Thats all folks! Enjoy!
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#215 (14 years, 11 months ago)

1 Posts
#219 (14 years, 11 months ago)
a.k.a Atrie

1 Posts
#232 (14 years, 10 months ago)
Pages: 1

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