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Time Left: 6:26

Rating: 3.00 (5 Votes)

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Development Area » Working on DNS Changes

Pages: 1
Author Thread
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#2027 (4 years, 2 months ago)
Hey Guys!

In the next few hours/next day or so I will be making some attempts to change the DNS routings for CVGM. This didnt go to plan very well last time, so I will post some information here to make the site still accessible. You can still get to the website, make requests and listen to the streams using the below IP addresses:

Web Interface:
Link To Main Stream:

Both links currently work so if you want to set the IP for the stream now, you will at least be able to listen! Thanks! As always, feel free to yell out if you have any questions.


FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#2028 (4 years, 2 months ago)

The movement of the DNS handling from my old server over to Dreamhost appears to be working OK, at least from here. If anyone runs into any problems, please let me know. Thanks!


10 Posts
#2029 (4 years, 2 months ago)
Great fishy! Works fine from NL
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#2030 (4 years, 2 months ago)
Hey Everyone,

So, as everyone probbably knows by now I have been playing with the DNS settings on the site. Yes, I paid the hosting bill

What seems to be happening with the Dreamhost side is that it randomly goes back and forth to the custom DNS of Dreamhost (pointing the URL to its servers), and sometimes the override settings I put in point to the correct location. Its intermittent at best, and when I think it works, it stops again!

To prevent this, I have made a new permanant URL, so the site can always be accessed now via this address:

On top of that, I have also made some redirect scripts that (when the site switches back to the old dns) it will also forward you to the above URL, preserving the link. There might be some permalinked images broken, but we can correct these as we find them.

I have also fixed email, which is one of the reasons I wanted to switch the DNS over. Notifications via email work again, as do sign ups, etc. This also includes sending to Gmail accounts (which was something that never worked on my old hosting service). As always, if anyone has any problems please let me know! Those who know my email can reach out, or you can contact me now at slacker [at] cvgm [dot] net.

Sorry for the inconvinience guys, I truly appreciate your patience during this mess!

debo is flashy, fact! :sumo:

13 Posts
#2032 (4 years, 2 months ago)
Thank you Fishy
Truth is the most important - Magda

84 Posts
#2042 (4 years, 2 months ago)
I noticed that sometimes when I send a message on the oneliner it does not appear. Probably this bug started in the last week when u changed something in the DNS.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#2043 (4 years, 2 months ago)
I'll take a look this weekend, perhaps theres a code snippet pointing to a bad location (when the DNS is at the wrong spot again). Ill verify it points to Thanks!
Pages: 1

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