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Computer » PC (custom)01 Seaside Sunset by flag Ne7 (Andrew Lemon)
Requested By: flag xrm1911

Time Left: 1:52

Rating: 5.00 (1 Votes)

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Looking For Songs / Song Discussions » upload projects of users

Pages: 1
Author Thread

79 Posts
#87 (15 years, 3 months ago)
here people can tell about their upload projects so that there will be no overlaps in our projects

my current & forthcoming projects
-some atari xl songs
-jeroen tel (SID)
-chris hülsbeck (SID)
-ultima V
-zelda 2 aventures of link (NES)
-larry 3 (MT-32)

I'm looking for town music of Zelda 2 (NES)
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#88 (15 years, 3 months ago)
- I will continue with Commander Keen, but will let franz_koopa validate the stuff
- Finish upload of Transport Tycoon
- Mega Man on Game Boy (maybe MM3)
- Act Raiser 2 SNES
- Super Mario Land 2 Game Boy
- Some CPC games (Dave Rogers)

79 Posts
#93 (15 years, 3 months ago)
The list of essential game C64 songs or soundtracks which are missing at the moment

Last Ninja 3 - Reyn Ouwehand
Last Ninja 2 - Matt Gray
Mutants - Fred Gray
Ghouls 'n' Ghosts - Tamayo Kawamoto (orig.) & Tim Follin (arr.)
Ghosts'n Goblins - Mark Cooksey
The Way of the Exploding Fist - Neil Brennan
Platoon - Jonathan Dunn
Cobra - Ben Daglish
Sweet - Johannes Bjerregaard
Stormlord - Johannes Bjerregaard & J. Tel
Zamzara - Charles Deenen
Hysteria - Fred Gray
Defender of the Crown - Richard Joseph
Ocean Loader 3 - Peter Clarke
Armalyte - Martin Walker
Thing Bounces Back - Ben Daglish
Cooperation Demo - Kim Christensen (Future Freak)
Compleeto! - Anders Andréen (ATOO)
Driller - Matt Gray
Wizardry - Mike Alsop
Gauntlet III - Tim & Geoff Follin
Synth Sample - Georg Feil
Nightdawn - Johannes Bjerregaard
Scumball - Tim Follin
R.I.S.K. - Wally Beben
Rocky Star - Kim Christensen (Future Freak)
Snare - Martin Walker
Bionic Commando - Harumi Fujita (orig.), Tim Follin (arr.)
Ramparts - Mark Cooksey
FAME (1) - Michael Hendriks
Batman (long) - Jens-Christian Huus
Zig Zag - Antony Crowther
Chordian - Jens-Christian Huus
DNA Warrior - Thomas Petersen & K.Christensen
Thunderforce - Johannes Bjerregaard
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#96 (15 years, 3 months ago)
Some code pieces i'm currently working on:

* The stuff mentioned in staff area (DB side done, Template code still left).
* General cleanup, and stuff found on the project site for Demovibes.

Music Side:

* I was working on a couple of ZX Spectrum Demo Parties, those can hold till we catch up on a few other bits and pieces.
* I'll work on adding the majority of popular songs from the following artists: Matt/Fred Gary, Ben Daglish (for Deathy ), Lyndon Sharp and the other Codies musicians (such as Allister Brimble).
* I would like to finish adding the musics from Martin Walker, Wally Beben and the Follin bros.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#97 (15 years, 3 months ago)
I just found a copy of my Ripped Kohina tracks on one of my thumb drives of stuff I had been ripping/saving for my iPod from Kohina eons ago; I'll go through the stuff I have their (all favourites) and make sure what isnt on CVGM is put their, from authentic recordings. Should keep me going for quite a while
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#98 (15 years, 3 months ago)
I uploaded a "Ramparts - Mark Cooksey" (ingame) recording... it included the start jingle also, i hope thats ok?
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#99 (15 years, 3 months ago)
Stefan: Great job

The jingle thing reminds me of some stuff I was trying to do with BadAnimal, i'll start a new forum post about it before it once again escapes me
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#172 (15 years, 2 months ago)
I will probably replace all (and possible add more) Big Alec Atari ST tunes, i checked a couple of the already uploaded ones and they was sounding bad.. had missing sounds? Must have been from an early YM emulation.

Also i will add Uncletom's Amiga music complete with his own comment on each of the tunes
Pages: 1

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