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Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)Shock Megademo Pt 3 by flag Ziutek (Andrzej Siuda)
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelEclipse
Pouet Icon

Time Left: 3:50

Shock Screenshot
Rating: 4.86 (7 Votes)

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General Discussion » dj_random new mood idea -- "Play Favorites"

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Author Thread

106 Posts
#1169 (12 years, 3 months ago)
Here's an idea for new dj_random mood to minimize crappy track selection and yet to be friendly to anyone currently logged in.

"Play Favorites" mood would make dj_random select only the tracks from people's favorites lists, but only from those people that are currently logged in so it wouldn't hinder offline people and keep locking their favorites.

Of course, if all favorites are locked and dj_random can't select anything for logged in users, it can automatically switch back to "Play whatever you can find" mood.

Fish, is this feasible? what's your take on it?
And what does everybody else think about it?
Shoul this idea should be tweaked a bit more?
Falken / brainstorm

48 Posts
#1170 (12 years, 3 months ago)
Yeah, this is a great idea! And as I said in the oneliner, anything is possible. One of us just needs to code it.

Slightly off-topic, but I am curious about what DJ Randomly's "Play The Best Songs Only" mood is for, since I've seen him request songs with a rating as low as 2.0 in this mood before...

96 Posts
#1171 (12 years, 3 months ago)
To make it reasonable solution new mood requires new profile flag:

Do not play my favorites in djrandom's "Play favorites" mood

as logged-in state does not implicate listening state and auto-playing would quickly lock whole favorite lists of people that are often logged in.

FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1172 (12 years, 3 months ago)
Its far easier in code to look at the songs, and pull in songs which have appeared a # of times in a user favourites, and find songs this way. Otherwise, you have to pick a user, find their list, and even if they don't want to have their faves shared, someone else might have the same song and do want it played.

So, ts better to do something like:

Songs = Objects.Get(Songs, num_faves>=MIN_NUM_FAVES)
Song = Rnd(Songs)

And pluck one this way. Also faster.

96 Posts
#1173 (12 years, 3 months ago)
Then I think whole idea is disputable. People usually use FavList as their personal "request pool", so they can quickly find their "The Best of CVGM" tracks when they want to queue something (and not to be played when they are away). This new mode would make djrandom's fav-stealing habit even stronger. It's counter intuitive for me:

If many people would like to request this song, let's auto-request it when there is nobody around
(as I assume it's mostly when djrandom takes control of the stream).


106 Posts
#1182 (12 years, 3 months ago)
Your last sentence does not really stand. Aside from few users that like constantly requesting when they're online, many users simply listen to dj_random's picks and don't request unless dj is selecting some really bad songs.

Even now, there's like 10 users online and not a single request except by dj_random in the displayable history. People tend to listen this while working and they may not have time or even will to go requesting just the tracks they want, but let the dj play something new for them or just treat this site for what it is, another radio station
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