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Computer » PC (custom)04 Drifting by flag Ne7 (Andrew Lemon)
Requested By: flag xrm1911

Time Left: 2:15

Rating: 5.00 (1 Votes)

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Looking For Songs / Song Discussions » Sega Master System FM music

Pages: 1
Author Thread

79 Posts
#1077 (12 years, 5 months ago)

Here is the list of games for Japanese Sega Master System which use FM music

Currently we have just one song for this platform, it would nice to have more. The sound is very close to AdLib (OPL-2)

(Titles in brackets are western titles. Western versions do not have FM music)

Out Run
Fantasy Zone II - Opa Opa no Namida
BMX Trial - Alex Kidd
Haja no Fuuin (Miracle Warriors - Seal of The Dark Lord)
Masters Golf (Great Golf)
Doki Doki Penguin Land - Uchuu Daibouken
Nazca '88 (Aztec Adventure)
Zaxxon 3D
SDI (Global Defense)
Alien Syndrome
After Burner
Phantasy Star
Family Games (Parlour Games)
Opa Opa (Fantasy Zone: The Maze)
Tri Formation (Zillion II: The Tri Formation)
Maze Walker (Maze Hunter)
Super Wonder Boy Monster World
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
Galactic Protector
Space Harrier 3D
Blade Eagle
Aleste (Power Strike)
Hoshi Wo Sagashite...
Tensai Bakabon
Captain Silver
Super Racing
Megumi Rescue
Thunder Blade
Lord of Sword
Maou Golvellius (Golvellius - Valley of Doom)
Kujakuou (SpellCaster)
Nekkyuu Koushien
Double Dragon
Chouon Senshi Borgman (Cyborg Hunter)
Bomber Raid
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#1078 (12 years, 5 months ago)
If you want more then you are allowed to add them yourself also, all users can upload ;-)
But yes... there are some great FM songs for SMS.

It uses YM2413 in case anyone cares.
Pages: 1

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