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Computer » Commodore 64/128Lightspeed by flag Agemixer (Ari Yliaho)
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelScallop

Time Left: 5:51

Rating: 4.80 (30 Votes)

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News » Server Migration Status

Pages: 1
Author Thread
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#24 (15 years, 2 months ago)
Just a bit of an update on the status of the new dedicated server. It has been built! It does appear though that there is an issue with the DNS numbers that were assigned to us, they are all the same when they shouldn't be! I currently have a support ticket in with the company to try and get this resolved quickly, as i'm anxious to get the site back up and running!

Once that has occured, the next step will be to get the database migrated over to the new server. This will then let admins still maintain the site, add platform/download info while we wait for the MP3 files to upload. I'm not sure how long that will take, though i'm hoping it won't be more than a full day.

As I find out more information on the status of the migration, I will post it in here for everyone to read.

Again, thanks for everybody's patience!
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#25 (15 years, 2 months ago)
An update on the status of the server migration:

The upgrade has been completed. If you are reading this then you are looking at the updated server The DNS is still propogating at this time, so some people were being directed to the old one. As soon as your ISP updates their values, you'll be directed here automatically.

Our new dedicated server is a dual-core AMD Phenom server with 2gb of ram, running Ubuntu Linux. We have over 200gb of storage space, so there is plenty of room to upload new files! I would like to thank Joe's Datacenter as they are holding the dedicated box we are using.

Already I am noticing a lot of improvements with the performance of the site, and as we get most of our traffic back, I will continue to monitor it and tweak the configuration accordingly.

Right now, we are currently working on restoring the music to the database. this is taking a little longer than I had predicted, and I am hoping we will be ready to stream again by the end of this week. Our offsite backup failed, so I can't rely on a high-speed restoration We have over 10gb worth of data to upload, and it is currently chugging along at around 50k/sec maxxing out my home DSL connection. As soon as all files are restored, the streamer will start playing again!

Again, I would like to thank everyone for their patience, especially the administrators who have been working overtime on the database during this downtime. If you check in the "New Uploads" section, you will see that they have been busy uploading lot's of new tracks for your listening pleasure. Thanks guys, I owe you all a beer!

FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#31 (15 years, 2 months ago)
The transfer of all the MP3 data has been completed, and the streams are up and running again! Thanks to everyone for their patience, and if you have any issues please let us know!!
Pages: 1

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