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Computer » PC (custom)Star Control 2 - Druuge (Property of the Crimson Corporation) by flag Mark Vera (Jouni Airaksinen)
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation The Ur-Quan Masters - Soundtrack II: Neutral Aliens, Don't Shoot!
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Time Left: 4:45

The Ur-Quan Masters - Soundtrack II: Neu Screenshot
Rating: 4.33 (3 Votes)

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Label / Production Information For Space Sound Records

Space Sound Records
Links: [Website]

Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flagFishGuy876

Space Sound Records is a new independent music label. We specialize in Spacesynth with a special interest in the production of italo disco, electronica, chill-out sessions, trance as well as dance music in general. We produce music for advertisments on radio stations, music for movies, music and special effects for audio books and more ...

Our label is located in New York (USA) and was founded by Marek Kolodynski, a Brooklyn DJ who is also known for his work as co-producer of "Space Project". This same Spacesynth outfit that released the very popular and successful "Beyond Imagination" album. To kick-start this label, Marek worked with a team of talented individuals on this enterprise.

Space Sound Records is taking a very professional approach to music making. We have secured the services of a professional recording studio and engineers tailored to our needs. Furthermore our goal is to establish a relationship with our artists based on respect and honesty.

Associated Artists:
flag Prodomo

Associated Songs:
Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Convoy by flag Prodomo Log in to queue