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Computer » Atari ST (Sixteen/Thirty-two)Turrican 1 - Level 3-3 by flag Mad Max (Jochen Hippel)
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 2:30

Rating: 3.80 (5 Votes)

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Artist Info

Ace Combat 5 Chorus Team

Location: flag
Associated Labels : LabelNamco

Additional Information:

Members: Akiko Arai, Asami Oda, Hiroki Yamashita, Hiromi Uchiyama, Jun Sasaki, Junko Hirakoso, Kiketsu Seki, Machiko Yamada, Michiko Inoue, Miho Asai, Reimi Saito, Saori Nohara, Shunsuke Tsuda, Tomoka Hattori, Yukie Honma

Yukie Homna (本間由喜江)
Miho Asai (浅井美保)
Michiko Inoue (井上倫子)
Tomoka Hattori (服部知香)
Reimi Saito (斉藤礼美)
Hiromi Uchiyama (内山裕美)

Asami Oda (織田麻美)
Machiko Yamada (山田真知子)
Akiko Arai (新井晶子)
Saori Nohara (野原沙織)
Junko Hirakoso (平社淳子)

Hiroki Yamashita (山下宏樹)
Kiketsu Seki (石倚潔)

Shunsuke Tsuda (津田俊輔)
Jun Sasaki (佐々木純)
Takayuki Kondo (近藤貴路)

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Last Updated: 30 Jan. 2017
Added By: flag MAT

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Song Title Artist Song Length Status Avg. Vote Queue Last Played
OST » Official Soundtrack (CD / Digital)Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War - The Unsung War flag Ace Combat 5 Chorus Team , flag Keiki Kobayashi (小林啓樹) 7:20 Active 2.5 l Locked 2025-02-20