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Console » WiiGradius Rebirth - Heavy Blow (Stage 1) by flag Santaruru (並木 学)
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelKonami
In Albums: Compilation Gradius Rebirth

Time Left: 2:23

Rating: 4.20 (5 Votes)

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Artist Info

Andrea Milana

Location: flag Helsinki, Finland

Additional Information:

I was born in Gela / Italy in 1978. Music and computer science have always been my experimentation field. I studied pianoforte and classic guitar, but also programming languages and electronic music, passing through every possible contamination between them.

For two years, the territory of these experimentations has been my own recording studio, Percezioni Digitali, opened in Gela in 2001. Afterwards I worked for Edirol, a Roland‘s group society, in Milan (2004-07). This job brought me a deeper knowledge of electronic music and computer science.

After the release of Polymateric, I moved to Malta, where I worked as director of Fantasy Works recording studio, in collaboration with Family TV (2008/09) and as director of Exotique recording studio, where I was producer/manager of Exotique Record Label together with Grace Borg (2009/10). While in Malta, I started working for Propellerhead as official distributor for Malta. In January 2011 I moved to Helsinki / Finland where I am now working as New Media Designer for Genelec.

My own music works lead the path from electronic sonorities to vintage ones, with some jazz/fusion influences. Main influences: Jean Michel Jarre, Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode, Daft Punk, Air, The Knife and the electronic sound of the ’80s.

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Last Updated: 3 March 2013
Added By: flag deathy

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