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Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Kitarro by flag Allister Brimble
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 5:34

Generation 4 Screenshot
Rating: 4.50 (4 Votes)

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Artist Info

Tom Lewandowski

Location: flag Wisconsin
Associated Labels : LabelSierra on-line

Additional Information:

Tom began his musical exploits by learning to play percussion and guitar at age ten. During the late 1970's and early 1980's, he was the songwriter, lead singer and rhythm guitarist for Exodus, a locally popular folk-rock band. As the personal computer and the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) began to mature, he met Dianne Lewandowski on an online service while looking for other MIDI enthusiasts and they began composing music, together, marrying not long after that.

Tom and Dianne established in 1995, which has become recognized around the world as the definitive archive of Sierra On-Line gaming music. Still, Tom's primary career is that of a full-time Medical Technologists, since graduating from college in 1983.

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Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flag Tarantula

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Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Police Quest 3 - Introduction flag Tom Lewandowski 2:29 Active 4.0 l Locked 2025-03-09
Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Police Quest 3 - Main Title Theme flag Tom Lewandowski 1:51 Active 3.8 Log in to queue 2025-01-23