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Computer » PC (custom)Danish Dynamite (Pants Off Edit) by flag Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)
Requested By: flag Hneet
In Albums: Compilation Brainstorm Annual 2010

Time Left: 3:51

Brainstorm Annual 2010 Screenshot
Rating: 4.81 (27 Votes)

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Artist Info

Temp Sound Solutions

Location: flag Baltimore, MD
Associated Labels : LabelUbiktune

Additional Information:

temp sound solutions was formed in october of 1997 out of a penchant for several loved things; video games, hard electronic music, tracking (namely the demoscene), and the ability to fluidly meld all of the above with anything else via a doppelganging mutagen found resident in the bloodstream of all imperfect humans. it wasnt until years later, that shawn phase, the only remaining survivor of the once-vastly overwhelming clan that comprised TSS in its earliest incarnations was able to realize and harness the stregnth, the courage, the willpower and fortitude to survive in this world and progress to the point of spreading this knowledge of all of the elements above to the world. in august of 1999, the first performance took place at a normal club called 'the void' in new york city, in front of a crowd of 40 young people gathering around a laptop and two pairs of laptop speakers; unknowing survivors of other clans had destroyed any available powar, and a very wary but unaverted shawn phase brought the experience to the table by performing an energy laiden, yet downtempo set. the return trip to TSSBAY04 proved to be almost fatal, as shawn phase almost fell ill and expired due to overexposure in a hotel room in the famed waldorf astoria. the rest is history... temp sound solutions is shawn phase, house the grate, spookmeister c, kirby pufocia, cacomistile, and most importantly, you.

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Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flag FishGuy876

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