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Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Streets of Rage Remake - The Last Soul by User BGM1401 (Paul Clark)
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 5:39

Rating: 4.50 (6 Votes)

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Development Area » Aliases and separate song uploads

Pages: 1
Author Thread

106 Posts
#1122 (12 years, 2 months ago)
Check this artist for example...

flag Bjørn A. Lynne

What is the point of keeping separate uploads under his three different handles/nicknames? Isn't it confusing? If you want to upload something, you also need to check all his aliases, or if looking for some of his tracks.

96 Posts
#1124 (12 years, 2 months ago)
No, his Amiga scene productions were released under nick of Dr. Awesome. Then he moved into commercial market with his real name, but also created separate label for some more dancey/trancey stuff (Divinorum). He wanted it to be this way and we just try to keep real info in order.



106 Posts
#1125 (12 years, 2 months ago)
Okay, discussed this with Fish a bit and I pointed to flag Rapture (Fabian Del Priore) where all aliases are mentioned in profile and not separated, since search engine will find it all and will return this page where music done by all aliases was made.

He said that either way is fine, there is no strict rule that aliases either should or should not be split. I for one won't be spitting them, but you guys feel free to do so i you wish.

But basically, if we should be splitting all the aliases, we should always have an artist name as base, and aliases should always be only aliases, not names. But this site wasn't designed to work that way since we have both handle and name for artist, so we can add both handle/alias and real name for the artist. If there are more aliases or name variations, I usually put that in the info field.
Pages: 1

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