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Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Little Zig by flag JCH (Jens-Christian Huus)
Requested By: flag Hneet

Time Left: 5:04

Rating: 4.29 (21 Votes)

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Label / Production Information For DreamForge Intertainment

DreamForge Intertainment
Links: [Wiki]

Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flagStefan_L

Text from wiki entry:

"DreamForge Intertainment, Inc. was an American computer game developer. It was founded as Event Horizon Software, Inc. by the computergame developers Thomas Holmes, Christopher Straka, and James Namestka. The company would later change to Dreamforge. Until its dissolution the company produced several well known and awarded computer games, most of them in the genre of role-playing games and strategy video games.

The company was dissolved in 2000 after struggles with the publisher while developing the never finished game Werewolf: The Apocalypse - The Heart of Gaia, which eventually led to the shutdown of the company."

Associated Artists:
flag Jamie McMenamy

Associated Songs:
Computer » PC (General MIDI)Chronomaster - City of Ground Zero Have video by flag Jamie McMenamy Log in to queue
Computer » PC (General MIDI)Chronomaster - Fort Have video by flag Jamie McMenamy Log in to queue
Computer » PC (General MIDI)Chronomaster - Sculpture Garden Have video by flag Jamie McMenamy Log in to queue
Computer » PC (General MIDI)Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession - Forgotten Realms Forest (Assassin Hunt) Have video by flag Jamie McMenamy Log in to queue