Square Co.
Links: [Website]
Last Updated:
9 Oct. 2012
Added By: Ultrasyd
Created in september 1983, merged with Enix on march 31th 2003, now known as Square Enix.
Associated Artists:
Anie T.N. (Tatsuya Nishimura)
Groovy (Naoshi Mizuta)
Hiroki Kikuta
Hirosato Noda (野田 博郷)
Judith Siirila (Judith Siirila Paskowitz)
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Kaoru Wada (和田 薫)
Kenichiro Fukai
Kenji Ito
Kumiko Koda (神田 來未子)
Nobuo Uematsu (植松 伸夫)
Reiko Nomura (野村 玲子)
Russell McNamara
Ryo Yamazaki (山崎 良)
Ryuji Sasai (笹井 隆司)
Shani Rigsbee (شينى)
Shinko Ogata (小形 眞子)
Takahito Eguchi (江口 貴勅)
Takeharu Ishimoto (石元 丈晴)
Tatsuya Nishimura (西村達也)
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Yoko Shimomura (下村 陽子)
Associated Songs:
Another Mind - Another Mind by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - Finale by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - Introduction by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - Mind Therapy by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - ひとしずくの不安 (A Drop of Anxiety) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - わかりあえる時 (Reconciliation) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - バンド演奏曲: Big Power (Band Music: Big Power) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - バンド演奏曲: Climax (Band Music: Climax) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - バンド演奏曲: Despair (Band Music: Despair) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 夢猫 (Dream Cat) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 夢猫: 幻想の中に (Dream Cat: Within the Illusions) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 心のさざ波 (Ripples of the Mind) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 心はきまぐれ (Capricious Mind) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 心はきまぐれ: オルゴール (Capricious Mind: Music Box) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 心はきまぐれ: 幻想の中に (Capricious Mind: Within the Illusions) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 潜行 (Traveling in Disguise) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 理由無き凶行 (A Senseless Act of Violence) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 終わり無き追跡 (Endless Pursuit) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 自我増幅 (Self Amplification) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 部分と部分 (Piece and Piece) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 静寂と孤独 (Silence and Loneliness) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 風に誘われて (Guiding Wind) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 風に誘われて: やさしい風 (Guiding Wind: Gentle Wind) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Another Mind - 風に誘われて: 高校時代 (Guiding Wind: High School Days) by
Junya Nakano (仲野 順也)
Assault Of Final Fantasy IX - The White Dragons by
Nobuo Uematsu (植松 伸夫)
Brave Fencer Musashi - Snow Labyrinth by
Tsuyoshi Sekito (関戸 剛)
Chrono Cross - Chrono Cross ~ 時傷跡 (Time's Scar) ~ by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Chronomantic by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Chronopolis by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Etude 1 by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Etude 2 by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Fates ~運命の神 (God of Destiny)~ by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Guldove Another by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Guldove Home by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Mabure Another by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Mabure Home by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Magical Dreamers ~風と星と波と (Wind, Stars and Waves)~ by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Radical Dreamers ~盗めない宝石~ by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Termina Another by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Termina Home by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Yume no Kakera by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - Zelbess by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - あらかじめ失われし、ともしび (Light, Already Lost) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - うたかたの想い (Lost Fragments) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - うたかたの想い (Singing Emotions) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - まどろみ (Nap) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - アルニ村 アナザー (Arni Village: Another) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - トカゲと踊れ (Dance with the Lizards) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - ヒドラの沼 (Hydra's Swamp) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - ルニ村 ホーム (Arni Village: Home) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 世界のへそ (World's Navel) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 亡者の島 (Island of the Dead) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 凍てついた炎 (Frozen Flame) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 勝利 ~夏の呼び声~ (Victory ~ Call of Summer ~) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 勝利 ~春の贈り物~ (Victory ~ Spring's Gift ~) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 去りにし者ども (Leaving the Body) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 古龍の砦 (Ancient Dragon's Fort) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 回想 ~消せない想い~ (Reminiscence ~ Feelings Not Erased ~) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 回想 ~消せない想い~ (Reminiscence ~ Feelings Not Erased ~) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 土龍の島 (Earth Dragons Island) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 夢のかけら (Fragments of Dreams) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 夢のはじまり (Start of the Dream) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 夢の岸辺に アナザー・ワールド (On the Shores of a Dream: Another World) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 天晴驚愕大奇術団 (Sleight of Hand Group) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 妖精のくれた魔法 (Magic from the Fairies) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 幽霊船 (Phantom Ship) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 影切りの森 (Shadow's End Forest) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 悲愴 (Grief) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 星の塔 (Tower of Stars) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 星を盗んだ少女 (Star-Stealing Girl) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 時のみる夢 (Time of the Dreamwatch) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 時の草原 ホーム・ワールド (Time's Grasslands: Home World) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 時の迷い子 (Lost Child of Time) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 時の闇にて (Into a Time of Darkness) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 楽天 (Optimism) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 次元の狭間 (The Bend of Time) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 死海・滅びの塔 (The Dead Sea: Tower of Ruin) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 死炎山 (Death Volcano) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 死線 (The Brink of Death) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 海月海 (Jellyfish Sea) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 溺れ谷 (Drowning Valley) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 炎の孤児院 (Orphan of Flame) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 生命 ~遠い約束~ (Life ~ Faraway Promise ~) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 疾風 (Gale) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 神の庭 (Garden of the Gods) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 窮地 (Predicament) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 航海 アナザー・ワールド (Voyage: Another World) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 航海 ホーム・ワールド (Voyage: Home World) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 蛇骨館 (Snake Bone Room) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 運命に囚われし者たち (People Seized with Life) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 龍の祈り (Dragon's Prayer) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 龍の騎士 (Dragonrider) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Cross - 龍神 (Dragon God) by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Trigger - People Who Threw Away the Will to Live by
Nobuo Uematsu (植松 伸夫)
Chrono Trigger - Sealed Door by
Nobuo Uematsu (植松 伸夫)
Chrono Trigger - At the Bottom of Night by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Trigger - Ayla's Theme by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Trigger - Battle 1 by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Trigger - Battle 2 by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)
Chrono Trigger - Battle With Magus by
Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典)