- Chiptune, Retro & Video Game Music
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[+] 106 , [+] 11th , [+] 1200 , [+] 1987 , [+] 1988 , [+] 1989 , [+] 1990 , [+] 1991 , [+] 1992 , [+] 1993 , [+] 1994 , [+] 1995 , [+] 1996 , [+] 1997 , [+] 1998 , [+] 1999 , [+] 1in10 , [+] 1st , [+] 2000 , [+] 2001 , [+] 2002 , [+] 2003 , [+] 2004 , [+] 2005 , [+] 2006 , [+] 2007 , [+] 2008 , [+] 2009 , [+] 2010 , [+] 2011 , [+] 2012 , [+] 2013 , [+] 2015 , [+] 2016 , [+] 2018 , [+] 2021 , [+] 2022 , [+] 2023 , [+] 2097 , [+] 2nd , [+] 3DO , [+] 4-Mat , [+] 48Hours , [+] 4th , [+] 5th , [+] 6th , [+] 7th , [+] 80s , [+] 8bc , [+] 8GB , [+] 8th , [+] 9th , [+] AbletonLive , [+] AcclaimEntertainment , [+] acidline , [+] action , [+] AdventRising , [+] AfterBurner , [+] AfternoonStroll , [+] AGA , [+] Aliens , [+] almostvocals , [+] amazing , [+] amiga , [+] amiga500 , [+] amoivikos , [+] Amstrad , [+] Amusic , [+] Andromeda , [+] anger , [+] animal , [+] animation , [+] Anime , [+] annoying , [+] App , [+] arcade , [+] ASD , [+] assembly , [+] atari , [+] AtariST , [+] autotune , [+] award , [+] Awesome , [+] Azazel , [+] Bacter , [+] BaldursGate , [+] BaSShuT , [+] Birdie , [+] BitArts , [+] bitpop , [+] BitShifter , [+] Blip , [+] BlizzardEntertainment , [+] BluesBrothers , [+] BMGInteractive , [+] BonusCD , [+] BonusTrack , [+] BoulderDash , [+] brainstorm , [+] breakpoint , [+] BT , [+] BubbleBobble , [+] bubblegum , [+] Buenzli , [+] burp , [+] bus , [+] C64 , [+] Cairbre , [+] Cake , [+] calm , [+] Canada , [+] Candela , [+] CannonFodder , [+] Captain , [+] Cat , [+] Cats , [+] CConner , [+] CD , [+] CD32 , [+] Chanting , [+] chaos , [+] Chicago , [+] Chinese , [+] chip , [+] chipophone , [+] chiptune , [+] choral , [+] Chorus , [+] Christmas , [+] classic , [+] Clay , [+] Coda , [+] CoLDSToRAGE , [+] commando , [+] CommercialSamples , [+] Commodore , [+] Commodore84 , [+] compilation , [+] Compo , [+] CompoWinner , [+] computer , [+] concept , [+] Cosmiq , [+] CounterReset , [+] cover , [+] CPC , [+] Crap , [+] crapdelicious , [+] CrapYouUp , [+] Credits , [+] Crusaders , [+] cubase , [+] Cult , [+] CZTunes , [+] DaddyMulk , [+] dafunk , [+] Damage , [+] dance , [+] dariusgaiden , [+] DaytonaUSA , [+] Dead , [+] DeadMeat , [+] Debbie , [+] debris , [+] deceased , [+] demo , [+] DemoDays , [+] DemoScene , [+] Demovibes , [+] Desert , [+] DesertDream , [+] Desire , [+] Diabetes , [+] difm , [+] digi , [+] digibooster , [+] DigitalSymposium , [+] disco , [+] DJJoge , [+] DMADesign , [+] dog , [+] DominicGlynn , [+] Doz , [+] Dreamdealers , [+] DreamHack , [+] DropDaBomb , [+] drugs , [+] Drum&Bass , [+] drums&bass , [+] dubmood , [+] dubstep , [+] Dune , [+] EA , [+] echo , [+] eHarmony , [+] Eindbaas , [+] electro , [+] electrofolk , [+] ElectronicArts , [+] EllenMcClain , [+] eminem , [+] Ensoniq , [+] Entry , [+] EP , [+] ES5505 , [+] ethno , [+] eurodance , [+] Euskal , [+] Evoke , [+] explicit , [+] F3 , [+] Fabian , [+] Faith , [+] fakebit , [+] falcon , [+] Falsetto , [+] Famicom , [+] Fanta , [+] fantasy , [+] FantomenK , [+] Farbrausch , [+] FastTracker , [+] FearAndLoathingInLasVegas , [+] female , [+] Fetsyra , [+] FinalFantasy , [+] Finland , [+] FinnishSpeak , [+] FishGuy876 , [+] fiver2 , [+] Fleshbrain , [+] FM , [+] food , [+] forest , [+] French , [+] FrenchSpeak , [+] FretsOnFire , [+] from , [+] fullhd , [+] funky , [+] funny , [+] FutureCrew , [+] Gabber , [+] game , [+] GameBoy , [+] GameDev , [+] GameSongs , [+] GameSongsLicensed , [+] GarbageTruck , [+] Gasman , [+] gay , [+] GeneMRozenberg , [+] german , [+] GhostTown , [+] gizmo , [+] glitch , [+] Goa , [+] GodOfWar , [+] GrantMiddleton , [+] growling , [+] GTA , [+] GTInteractiveSoftware , [+] GTK , [+] GTN , [+] Guitar , [+] gwEm , [+] gx , [+] HalfLife , [+] hardcore , [+] Haujobb , [+] Hazel , [+] heavy , [+] heman , [+] HeroesOfMightAndMagic , [+] HeroesOfMightAndMagic2 , [+] hilarious , [+] HisayoshiOgura , [+] House , [+] Hunz , [+] im , [+] InEnglish , [+] Ingame , [+] InJapanese , [+] InSpanish , [+] Intro , [+] Invitation , [+] Invite , [+] italo , [+] Italo-disco , [+] ja , [+] Japanese , [+] JArthurKeenes , [+] Jazz , [+] JazzCat , [+] JCO , [+] JeffvanDyck , [+] JesperKyd , [+] Jingle , [+] JonathanCoulton , [+] JonHare , [+] Kafe44 , [+] karaoke , [+] Katamari , [+] kb , [+] keith303 , [+] Keito , [+] Kessen , [+] Kindergarden , [+] KLF , [+] Konami , [+] Korg , [+] Korv , [+] Lagerfeldt , [+] Lahja , [+] lame , [+] LarryLush , [+] laugh , [+] Legend , [+] Leviathan , [+] Lie , [+] LittleScale , [+] Live , [+] long , [+] LSD , [+] LSDJ , [+] LukeLove , [+] LunarTheSilverStar , [+] Lyrics , [+] maf , [+] Mahoney , [+] Makke , [+] male , [+] Malmen , [+] manga , [+] Mashup , [+] medieval , [+] MegaCD , [+] MegaMan , [+] Megamix , [+] mellow , [+] MelSummer , [+] metal , [+] MetalGear , [+] MetropolisStreetRacer , [+] MIDI , [+] MidnightRun , [+] MightAndMagic , [+] Miles , [+] MirrorsEdge , [+] mix , [+] moans , [+] mod , [+] ModernArt , [+] mother , [+] movie , [+] MP3 , [+] MultiPart , [+] music , [+] MusicDisk , [+] Namco , [+] NEC , [+] nectarine , [+] NeedForSpeed , [+] neuro , [+] Neverhood , [+] NewSchool , [+] NewWorldComputing , [+] Nicole , [+] Night55 , [+] Ninja , [+] NinjaWarriors , [+] NintendoDS , [+] noise , [+] NoMusic , [+] NorticDive , [+] NotMusic , [+] NRTDRV , [+] NVScene , [+] Nyan , [+] of , [+] OGR , [+] oldschool , [+] opera , [+] orchestrahit , [+] Orchestral , [+] original , [+] OST , [+] Outline , [+] outoftune , [+] PaavoHarkonen , [+] Pandora , [+] panflute , [+] paniq , [+] Parody , [+] Party , [+] paul , [+] PaulRomero , [+] PC , [+] PCEngine , [+] PCtrackerformats , [+] PCW , [+] PhilEarl , [+] piano , [+] Pinball , [+] pirate , [+] PixelParty , [+] platformer , [+] Playstation , [+] PleaseDontKillMe , [+] Polish , [+] pop , [+] PoppiDoser , [+] Portal , [+] Predator2 , [+] ProLogic , [+] ps2 , [+] PseudoConcept , [+] Psygnosis , [+] psytrance , [+] Puzzle , [+] quotes , [+] Racing , [+] Raddox , [+] rap , [+] Record , [+] recording , [+] RedSector , [+] Reed , [+] reggae , [+] relax , [+] Remake , [+] remix , [+] Remixes , [+] renoise , [+] repetitive , [+] Resource , [+] Resurrection , [+] RetroBeat , [+] ReturnToStage9 , [+] Revision , [+] Rewire , [+] RichardJoseph , [+] RIP , [+] RNO , [+] RobinHoyd , [+] RoboCop , [+] robot , [+] RobotVocals , [+] Rock , [+] RockStarGames , [+] RomeoKnight , [+] ronny , [+] ryg , [+] Sabrepulse , [+] SAE , [+] Samples , [+] Saturn , [+] ScavengerInc , [+] SceneOrgAwards , [+] Scorcher , [+] screaming , [+] sega , [+] SegaCD , [+] SensibleSoccer , [+] SensibleSoftware , [+] Series , [+] set , [+] sex , [+] Shining , [+] ShinobuOgawa , [+] ShogoMobileArmorDivision , [+] shouting , [+] sid , [+] SilentHill , [+] SilentService , [+] Silicon , [+] silly , [+] SimonRobertson , [+] Sinatra , [+] SingularCrew , [+] slow , [+] SmaiLee , [+] SNK , [+] Solskogen , [+] Songify , [+] Sonic , [+] SonicAdventure , [+] SonicCD , [+] SonicGenerations , [+] SonicR , [+] SonicTheHedgehog2 , [+] Sony , [+] SoundsOfSceneSat , [+] soundtrack , [+] Speach , [+] Speech , [+] Spoof , [+] SquareCo , [+] ST , [+] ST-01 , [+] StarControl , [+] StarControl2 , [+] StarCraft , [+] Starpilot , [+] StartedMyCareer , [+] STe , [+] Stein , [+] StevenRoot , [+] StillAlive , [+] Story , [+] StrangeTimeSignature , [+] strategy , [+] Streaming , [+] stu , [+] SuperMan , [+] swearing , [+] Sweden , [+] swedish , [+] Syndrome , [+] synthesizer , [+] Synthpop , [+] syubidupidapap , [+] Taito , [+] Tarantula , [+] TBL , [+] techno , [+] Technodrome , [+] TelenetJapan , [+] TexMurphy , [+] TheBlackLotus , [+] TheGathering , [+] TheNeedforSpeed , [+] TheParty , [+] ThunderBass , [+] ThunderForce , [+] ThunderForceIV , [+] Tiax , [+] tiberius , [+] Timbral , [+] TimKleinert , [+] Tint , [+] tito , [+] to , [+] Tokyo , [+] Tommy , [+] Topy44 , [+] touching , [+] toycompany , [+] TPLM , [+] trance , [+] tribute , [+] trippy , [+] TrippyGame , [+] TriStar , [+] tron , [+] tUM , [+] TurboGrafx-16 , [+] twinbeeyahho , [+] UbikTune , [+] UKSceneAllstars , [+] Ultrasyd , [+] untz , [+] UntzApprovedByAnni , [+] USGold , [+] Valis , [+] ValisSeries , [+] VeryLong , [+] video , [+] VirginGames , [+] Virt , [+] visualice , [+] Vocaloid , [+] vocoder , [+] voice , [+] VOPM , [+] WAR , [+] weird , [+] WildArms , [+] Windows , [+] winstonchurchill , [+] Wipeout , [+] wobble , [+] xbox , [+] Xenosaga , [+] Xenyx , [+] Xerxes , [+] XM , [+] Xmas , [+] Yerzmyey , [+] YM2151 , [+] YM3526 , [+] YMdigi , [+] Zelda , [+] zneeky_stuff , [+] zok , [+] Zuntata